Chapter 7: The celebration.

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Mal's POV. "Mal. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!" Ben says roaring. I chuckle and get up. "Oh, look, your beard grew back." I say. Ben chuckles. "It did." He says. We chuckle again. We kiss. We go to the spot where me and Ben met. Everyone murmurs. "Everyone, May I have your attention?" Ben asks. They don't quiet down. "Everyone, Please be quiet!" Ben says. "Everyone, Shut up and give the King undivided attention!" I say. They get quiet. "Queen Mal and I will be parents soon! There will be new heirs or heir!" Ben says. Everyone cheers including Evie, Carlos, and Jay. We smile. "Ben, I don't feel good." I tell him. "You'll be okay." Ben says sweetly. I smile. We go into the Beast Castle and into our dorm room that we're moved into now. I lay down on our bed. Ben lays down with me. I try to go to sleep, but fail. Ben wakes up, knowing something's wrong. "Mal, What's wrong?" Ben asks. "Nothing. I just can't sleep." I tell Ben. "Mal, When I was little and I  couldn't sleep, my mom would sing me this song. Sleep my darling, don't say a word
Don't have doubts, not one
My darling, let me give you this ring
Keep it and treasure it for all your days
Never lose it, for it is special
Keep our love together and all will be okay." Ben sings. I go to sleep. Ben's POV. I smile. I put her blanket on her. I kiss her cheek. She smiles. I go to sleep with her.

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