A coined name ( Harzel)

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Hardin Castillo

It has been two days since my "little reconciliation" with Hazel's mum and after explaining the situation in hand, she readily agreed to Hazel staying in the mansion .
Having Hazel beside me once again brought colours I had never imagined into my life as she was my light and all we did for the past two days was to study , cuddle and have sex....well! It isn't my fault , she got this alluring aura around her which always drives me crazy!!!

The siren sound of the alarm clock disrupted my sleep and I squint a little , forcing my eyelid open
  A tiny hand was wrapped around me and I turned sideways to see Hazel sleeping beside me  naked , the rising swell of her full breast reminding me of the "crazy sex"we had throughout the night
  I smiled lightly as I wrapped an arm around her , securing her body against mine while breathing in her womanly musk.
She stirred a little as she mumbled in her sleep .
    I Placed my lips on hers and kissed her deeply and that was it , her eyes flew wide opened
   "Haaardin!" She breathe into my mouth and I chuckled, pulling out of the kiss
   "Good morning baby!" I greeted first , reaching for the alarm clock to turn it off
   "Morning baby!"She responded , with a light smile and snuggled up in the blanket
" Are you alright?" I stared at her and she nodded
"Just feeling a little bit weak"
"Why? Is it the baby?"I asked and she smirked, shaking her head
" It is as a result of the crazy stuff we did last night ". She rolled her eyes and I smiled mischievously
" Then be prepared to get weaker"
"You are overly crazy!she remarked, laughing
"Of course I am". I agreed ,and joined her under the blanket , pulling her closer
"Not again naughty boy! Aren't you going to school?" She tried to wriggle her tiny body out of my arm but I held her to me tightly
"Yep". I popped the p and she frowned
"You have successfully skipped school for two days, Are you trying to be a truant ??"
" No". I took her breast into my mouth as I suckled on it
" oh no! Haaaaaardin ... this .. is not the best time for this".she moaned loudly , but I was so much in the mood to care .
I rolled on top her and inserted two of my fingers into her cunt as I fingered her deep and hard
"Oh my gawd! Hardin don't stop!"She moaned loudly and I grunted , Jerking my already erect d**k
The door to my room creaked opened and I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see my dad walk in .
What the fuck!
I quickly covered hazel with the blanket and rolled off , laying beside her
"Can't you knock?" I barked at my dad who had this blank look on his face and he scoffed
"Knock! and why should I?" He looked at Hazel and then back at me and I bit at my lower lips knowing what next will follow , "the never ending sermon"
"Is this the reason why you don't wanna go to school? C"mon Son ,I didn't ask her staying in the mansion to get her brains screwed out , she is pregnant ,for crying out loud"
"So? Is that why you are here?" I snapped at him and he eyed me coldly, shaking his head
"You need to get ready , you are going to school today and that is final." he said in an authoritative voice ,without giving me the room to argue.
"Fine" I raised my two hands in defeat . "can you pleeaase leave now?"
   Without saying a word , he left the room
"Oh God! what will happen to me now?" Hazel asked and I shifted my gaze to her to see her panicking
"Nothing will happen to you" I pulled down the blanket to stare at her sexy body
"but your dad look so angry, what if he changes his mind and send me back to my home?"
"That won't happen". I stated. "have you forgotten this is my house". I laid in between her legs and stroke my d*ck in her opening
"No baby, are we still gonna do ......Arrgh! oh my gawd! she gasped as entered into her
A mere threat from my dad won't spoil my fun!
She threw her legs over my shoulder and held me tightly as I thrust in and out of her gently, careful not to hurt her and most especially my unborn-child l.
They were the ones who kept me going through everything that life threw at me , Austin escape to be precise
I was deeply worried and scared but what can I do? nothing, guess I should trust my father on this .
" I am cumming baby! I am cumming!" She screamed interrupting my thoughts and I increased my pace , fucking her a bit fast till I felt my organsm building
I held her waist tightly and released all of my stuff into her , panting hard. I was no longer scared of getting her pregnant, she was already pregnant.

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