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                                 Hardin Castillo

The sound of voices disrupted my sleep and I stirred a little , opening my eyes to see Hazel staring down at me
   "Wakey wakey sleepy head , it is time to get out of bed!
   I smiled lightly.
stretching , i rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep crust as I sat up on the bed .
      "Good morning!" I greeted , glancing at the wall clock , it was a little past 11:00 am ...
     Phew! I never knew I slept this long .....but wait a minute! the nightmares ,I had none. I slept peacefully for the first time in three years, unbelievable!
    "Haz!" I called , shifting my attention back to her
  " yes". She answered , without looking at me her gaze was fixed on my phone.
she was going through it with a large smile on her face
  "Do you by any chance know if I erm know .... screamed last night? I picked my words and she shot me a curious look
  "Do you?" She threw the question back at me , tilting her head sideways as if trying to think and I scoffed
   "Forget it! I muttered , snatching my phone out of her hands but she was quick to snatch it back
    "Go freshen up , i am sick and tired of this hospital". She said ; then continued with whatever she was doing on my phone
          This is  so not gonna end well!
Getting off the bed , i looked around for my clothes to see it on a low stool beside the bed neatly folded
I smiled lightly and picked up my brief , walking into the bathroom.
The bathroom was so small and unattractive so I quickly showered, turned my brief inside out and wore it , then returned to the room to meet Hazel angry gaze
         Now this is what I am talking about!
  "Who the hell is Tricia?" She held up my phone for me to see
  "She is no one" I simply answered, walking past her to the bed  and she scoffed , following behind me
   "Really! Then how will you explain this " babe I will join you at the club tonight". She read out a text conversation and I bit at my lower lips , completely ignoring her as I hurriedly dressed up in my polo and jean
   "Really". She scoffed . "I never knew you were dumb , who the hell is Tricia?" She yelled and that was it , I lost it
   "And what right do you have to go through my phone?" I snapped at her
  "What!" She stared at me in disbelief.
  "Just because you are carrying my child doesn't mean you can invade my privacy". I retorted in a huff , making her gasp audibly in shock
   "Are these words really coming out of you?" She asked softly , tears welling up in her eyes.
  seeing her tears, i came to my senses
   Oh God! what have I done? I thought within, running my hands through my hair.
   "Haz!" I attempted to hold her but she took  few steps backward.
    "You are right, I really have no right to go through your phone"
   " No Haz". I shook my head vigorously. "you have every right too , I was just too confused about how to react or what to say"
  "Confused! Why? because I caught you, because you are fucking cheating on me right?"She half yelled and without waiting for my response, she continued
    "Why do you like hurting me? tell me , why? Is it because you know  I love you so much?or is it because I am not as attractive as your other girls?"
"Shut up!" I barked at her , she was beginning to annoy me
" and who said you ain't attractive! ....Jeez! do you even know what you are saying? you are beautiful Haz , I wish when you look in the mirror you see what I see when I look at you". I stated truthfully and her eyes lit up
   "why then are you cheating on me?"she queried , but this around her voice was calm and I exhaled deeply
"I ain't cheating on you , all those  shit you saw on the phone was when we were separated". I moving and wipe her tears .
  "Separated". She repeated. "Are you trying to say you slept with Tricia?"her gaze searched through mine
  "No, I didn't , I couldn't even do it because your were the only one in my head ". I answered truthfully and she smiled , jumping into my arms
  "I love you Jayden Winthrop" .she said as I chuckled
   "Jayden Winthrop! Why did you call me that?" I pulled out of the hug and she smirked
    "It is your name right??
     "Of course it is". I agreed and grabbed my  phone from her , making  a mental note to put a lock on it
   That is the only way to avoid shit like this happening again
   My phone suddenly rang and I checked out the caller and noticed it my Dad
          I received it
    "Hi Dad! I greeted first
     "Son! how are you? how is Hazel? Are you both Alright?" he asked in rush
  "Good! I want you to come over to the police station right now"
     "Police station" I repeated. "Is there any problem?"
    "I will brief you when you get here". he simply said and ended the phone call.
      Brief me on what!Is anything wrong? Did he succeed in arresting  Austin ? if yes, why doesn't he sound happy?...
  "Down to earth Hardin! " Hazel snapped at her fingers in front of me and I slowly shifted my gaze to her
  "Is everything alright ?" She asked , staring at me worriedly and I nodded, forcing a smile
   "Then why the sudden change in countenance?"
   "Nothing. Are you ready?" I eyed her up and down
   The gown she was wearing was like a sac on her but nevertheless, she  looked beautiful in it ..
   "Yes!" She grinned.
   "And the undies?" I continued , staring at the torn pant laying on the floor .
Her face flushed in embarrassment and she picked it up , keeping it in her gown pocket
     Why is she getting all embarrassed?
  Taking her small hands into mine , we walked out of the room , through the long passage to the reception and I noticed the lingering stares on me ...
     "Good morning ma'am!" I greeted the nurse behind the desk and lol and behold it was the same nurse who attended to us yesterday
   "Morning Hardin!" She responded with a smile and I heard Hazel silent scoff
    "I can see you are already leaving". the nurse observed, her gaze still fixed on me
    Hello! I am not the sick one here . My subconsciousness screamed at her
   "Sure". I nodded . "any outstanding bills?"I let go of Hazel hands to fish out my wallet but the nurse stopped me with her voice
   "The Bill has been settled"
  "Alright".I took Hazel hands back into mine and we both sauntered out of the hospital.
   "Good bye Hardin!" The nurse called after me , Making Hazel roll her eyes
  "I hate that nurse". She simply retorted and I nodded absentmindedly as my attention was fixed on the crowd of people running towards us , holding some weird looking cameras
  "Oh no! Reporters!" I nudged at Hazel to look in the direction and when she did ,she held my hand more tightly , turning here and there .
    " what are we gonna do? Let's pass through another route ".She suggested but it too late , the reporters crowded around  us , flashing those weird cameras on me
   "we are from the state broadcasting station and would like to ask you a few questions" a fat man started
   " we sorry for the intrusion , but a nurse tipped us off".a slim woman butted in, earning a cold stare from the others
    Interesting! She just confessed!
   "It must have been so tough for you , can you please tell us what happened on that fateful night?" the fat man asked
    "how you met Austin, the business you have with Austin?"he quickly added and without a word , I pushed and squeezed my way out of their gathering, dragging Hazel along with me....
    "Mr Castillo! Mr Castillo!" they called, following behind me ..
       This is so frustrating! Is this how my life will be from now on?
  "Can you run?" I asked , facing Hazel and she nodded
   "Good!  I pulled her closer and we both ran all the way to the Taxi station, laughing
      Getting to the station,I steadied my hands on my knee for a moment , breathing hard and then raised my head to look at Hazel who was also doing same.
   "you alright?"
   " yes baby! I am more than alright, this is so much fun". She squealed, grinning from ear to ear
     "how I can wish we can be chased like this everyday". She mumbled but I heard her clearly and I smiled , flagging down a taxi
  I opened the car door and gestured her to get in and when she did , I hopped in beside her closing the door behind us
    "Where to?" the driver asked , staring at me in the rear mirror
   "Tacoma police station". I answered and he started the car as he drove off ..
     "Police station! why are you going there?" Hazel asked in whispers
     "To see Dad!"I shrugged
  "Alright". she leaned over to lay her head on my chest  and I mischievously let my hands roam all over her body.
    "Shit! what are you doing?"She gritted her teeth as I felt  her right butt cheek through her gown
   " And what does it look like to you?" I retorted in whispers, maintaining a straight face
  "You are getting me all wet Haaaardin". she muffled and I chuckled,searching her gaze
     She was already " lost in pleasure" and I bit at my upper lips wishing we were behind closed doors , I could have fucked out all the pleasure in her,no, I will make her ride me with all the pleasure in her..l
  The car skidded to a halt in front of the Police station and I looked out of the window to see another set of those clumsy reporters waiting outside
"Don't they have other works to do?"
Paying the driver, I alighted from the car and Hazel also did the same
"oh no! not again!" She muttered
" Just quicken your steps". I simply instructed, leading the way as we climbed up the short stairs to the police station and that was when the questioning started
"Welcome Jayden Winthrop or should I say Hardin Castillo!" a slim woman in a sexy gown greeted
"how were you able to endure staying in prison knowing you were innocent?" another asked
" is it true Austin Rivera threatened to rape your mother?" a third woman asked and I clutched my fist tightly, trying so hard to hold my anger
"Can't they all fucking leave me alone?

We got inside the police station just in time to see my Dad and a lanky man climb down the stairs to the reception room
on seeing us, he whispered something to the man who quickly looked in our direction and they both walked up to us .....
"Hardin! Hazel! my dad called , looking at Hazel and then at me
"how are you?". he continued. "are you both alright?"
I huffed . "what the hell is happening?why did you ask me to come over to this damn place?" I ignored his questions and the lanky man chuckled
"Dave, I can see Jayden grew up to be very ........
"Rude". I completed and he smiled , shaking his head
"No, I meant to say abrupt". he corrected and I scoffed
" what is the difference?"
"Hardin! your manners". My dad scolded at me and I faked a smile , bowing slightly
"Good morning Mr police!" I greeted sarcastically and Hazel pinched me
"Arrrgh! Why did you do that?" I turned sideways to her
"Behave!" She mouthed at me and then faced the man, smiling
"Good morning Mr Tony". She greeted , staring at his badge and the man responded with a smile
" you must be Hazel? Dave told me a lot about you"
I shifted my gaze to my Dad to see him staring at me
His green eyes bored into mine for a while and then he sighed, looking away
he was deeply troubled and I knew it but Why? Did something happen? or is it about ...... dang it! Austin!why didn't I think about it?
"You failed to arrest Austin right?" I asked ,looking at "Tony" and then back at him
an awkward silence fell , and from the worried  look on my dad face , I knew I was right
     Damn! Austin escaped! This is not gonna be good !
"I think he escaped through a window in his room". My dad said calmly and I raised my hands , signalling him to stop
"Wait! Are you trying to say he escaped when the police got there?"I picked my words and he nodded , running his hands on his hair
"the television was switched on, the fan, even the drinks on the table were still cold" . he explained, making me scream in anger
"Arrrgh!do you know what this fucking means? You just put my life on the line. I yelled , breathing hard
" I know and that is why I am pleading with you not to do anything rash". he begged and then faced Hazel
"and I want you staying in the mansion , will that be possible?"
" erm I erm I don't know , erm I will have to ask my mom". she stuttered, staring at me and I sighed
  "She will stay , I will ask her mum for permission myself". I said aloud and she smiled lightly......
Austin is a beast and I know for sure he will come after me!

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