Birthday party

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Hardin Castillo
An awkward silence follows, and I stared blankly at Kim confused about what to say to her
"Hardin, talk to me , who the hell is Hazel ?"She asked with a grimacing face , I could tell she was still in pain and I heaved a sigh
"She is a friend" I simply answered , getting off the bed
  "A friend! Don't fucking lie to me Castillo , why the hell will you call the name of a friend when making love to me?"She retorted angrily and I scoffed
  "I didn't make love you Kim, I screwed You "I corrected
Damn! couldn't believe she was still arguing with me despite the way I screwed her hard
  "What". She exclaimed in shock
"Yes Kim, but why are you even getting work up over  this! It was all a game from the beginning and you knew about it"
With  that , I pulled out a new brief from the wardrobe and went over to the bathroom to clean up and on returning to the room, I found Kim going through my phone
What the fuck!
I rushed to her and snatched it away from her
She scoffed . "Are you screwing your maid ?"also!..... wait! her name is Hazel right ! oh God! So she is the one you are in love with"
"I am not in love with any one". I retorted as she laughed bitterly
"why then is her picture saved as your wall paper". She half yelled and I bit at my lower lips
this is the exact reason why I don't allow people go through my phone!
"Why Hardin?" She repeated , tears rolling down her eyes and that was it, She got me there and I felt a bit contrite
Sitting on the bed , i pulled to me and held her as she wept in my arms
"Don't hurt me Hardin".  She whimpered as she cried
I nodded , Patting her at her back absentmindedly as my mind was filled up with the thoughts of Hazel .
How is she feeling now! Has she stopped crying! Is she alright! I pray she is.......
"Hardin". Kim interrupted my thoughts and I slowly shifted my gaze to her
"I need to go bath".She pulled out from the hug, got off the bed and limped all the way to the bathroom
I watched her go and sighed
She will hurt herself real bad if she keep on coming closer to me .

Laying on the bed , I reached for the television remote and changed the channel to a reality show program ..
I leaned my head a pillow , about to doze off when Kim returned to the room, limping
She went over to my wardrobe and on opening it , she gasped audibly in surprise
"Are you running a boutique ?"She turned to face me and I huffed.
"Pick whatever you want and get the hell out of there"
I really hate people going through my stuffs!
"Alright". She pulled out a light blue pyjamas which she hurriedly put on and then joined me on the bed
"Good night Castillo". She bade , attempting to lay her head on my chest but i quickly turned my face to the wall
"why?" She asked softly.
"I don't cuddle women". I simply stated
"But you cuddled Hazel". My subconsciousness reminded
"Yes , that is because she is different". I fired back at it .

The Next morning

The sound of voices disrupted my sleep and I opened my eyes to see Richard , Steve and a girl I recognised as Kimberly's friend in the room
I widened my eyes in surprise. What are they all doing here?
Sitting up in the bed , the sound of "Happy birthday filled the air"
Oh right! It is my 18th birthday
But how did they get in here! who brought them in here!
And as it reading my thoughts, Steve said
"Your mum is the nicest woman I have ever seen ; on telling her we are your closest pals, she showed us the way to your room"
I scoffed silently , that woman is a pain in the neck !!!
Glancing at the wall clock , it was 12:00 pm
What the fuck!
"Since when were you guys here?"I threw the question to no one in particular
"Ehm let's say around 11: 30", the girl answered and I shifted my attention to her , seizing her up
She was dressed in a pink bikini and I was left wondering why.
"But why didn't you wake me up". I queried , facing Richard who was seated beside me on the bed
"Kimberly told us not to , she said something about you having series of night mares over the night". he explained and I cursed silently
  That loud mouthed bitch!
Speak of the devil!Kimberly limped out of the bathroom also wearing a bikini,  but hers was a green one
  "You really drilled the hell of her".Richard said in whispers as I stared at her , smiling
"Good morning .. oh!! I mean afternoon". She greeted with a smile and I let my eyes roamed all over her sexy ... no , she was no longer sexy to me, she was a fucking cunt.
"Afternoon". I responded. "And why are you girls dressed up in a Bikini?" I looked at the other girl and then back at her
"That is because your birthday is a pool party". She answered and only then did I notice a faint music playing from only god knows where .
Quickly, I got off the bed and looked out of the window to the pool area and yes, it was filled with people , some of which I don't even know.
My mum is really Amazing!
Speaking of which , where could she be ?
I looked around and sighted her at a far side in the pool house talking in whispers to Rebecca and ...... Hazel
Staring at Hazel, my heart raced and that was when I realised how much I needed her , how much I wanted her .
"Hardin". Richard snapped me back to reality and I turned around to face him , leaning against the wall
"C"mom man go freshen up so we can all downstairs to have fun"he stated .
I shook my head . "I ain't going no where"
"But why?"he exchanged look with Steve
"I don't feel like". I simply answered
"You are crazy man". he scoffed . "how can you stay indoor on your birthday, Are you a recluse?"
I ignored him , staring out of the window again and what I saw made me had a rethink
Right beside the pool , a guy was trying to hit on my girl ... did I just call me her my girl!... well! She is my personal maid so she belongs to me ..

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