🎀Chapter 6🎀

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Harry and I haven't talked properly for about a week and I would have loved to say I wanted it like that but I don't. I hate that I lost my temper over something like that. I shouldn't let petty comments like that get to me. Plus I don't blame him, he doesn't know what I've been through this past year. He doesn't know what my dad did or him. Another thing I can't believe is that he calls non-royals commoners, like what the actual hell. That is really rude.

I have been able to do my job so far without talking to Harry about anything else but work. Don't get me wrong, he has tried apologizing to me countless of times but I shut him down immediately. I don't want to start something that will obviously lead nowhere. And lets not forget that I am a fat girl. I am a fat and emancipated ex-princess who would want me.


I looked at my phone seeing a text from Cam asking what I wanted for dinner. Yes, Cam and I are ok now, I realized she was my best friend and I know she only means well for me. She and my brother are the only people who stayed after what my father did. They didn't cut all contact from me when they found out I was no longer rich. Actually I'm surprised none of them fed this information to the press.

I replied telling her anything was fine. I tried focusing on my work but I kept hearing giggling which was obviously coming from the other room. I decided to ignore it and just do what I'm being paid for.


What in the name of all that is good and pure is that freaking sound, I don't even care who's making it. All I want to do is get this work done before lunch, so I don't have any work piling up. I walked out of the office and immediately wished I didn't. \There sitting back on his slick black leather chair was Harry and perched on his lap giggling like everything was merry. It was a blonde bimbo, I rolled my eyes at the thought. Why are bimbos always blondes. I mean I know some pretty cool blondes.......at least I used to.

They didn't notice me, this bimbo was sitting on his lap playing with his tie, biting her fake plump lips and pushing a plastic boobs into him. I lowkey wanted to throw up from how needy and desperate she was being. I stood there for about a minute trying to process what was going on right before my eyes. It finally dawned on me when she started sliding down, I ran as fast as my heels would take me towards the door and made sure to slam it behind me when I was closing it. I saw Mariam in the hall and just sat on one of the chairs, she asked what was wrong but I played it off as nothing.

I went down to lunch after a while completely forgetting about the work I had pending. I obviously had to get back to work. Why did my office have to be inside his? Who made the designs for this building? That person needs a good slap. Getting back on point, I didn't know whether to knock or just barge in, I had no idea if she was still in there or if she wasn't.

After what felt like eternity arguing with myself, I finally decided to just knock. It may have been stupid but just cause I'm angry and seriously disgusted doesn't mean I should be rude.

"Come in" I heard his deep panty dropping voice say. I mustered up all the confidence and self dignity I had left and just strolled in like nothing happened.

I walked in and thank God she was no longer in here, that would have been really awkward. Harry looked up from his files when he saw me and perfectly raised an eyebrow, maybe silently asking why I was knocking. I didn't answer, just walked straight to my office...well at least I tried to. Harry stopped me, I cursed under my breathe before turning around and pasting on a fake smile. He saw it and sighed before getting up and walking up to me.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I acted, and what I said. The truth is that my life is very complicated and I guess I was just stressed up and snapped at you" I nodded completely understanding, I did.....I really did but I said nothing and just continued to my office. He stopped me again, it was my turn to sigh. I rose a brow silently asking what now?

"I know I've been an ass to you but I was hoping if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?" He said and I laughed. I couldn't even try to stop it, just laughed. He pulled away looking confused.

"What's so funny" He asked looking annoyed at the fact that I just made fun of him.

"Excuse me for finding this funny when 30 minutes ago you had some floozy in here feeling you up." With that I walked into my office making sure to lock the door. Just as I sat down, I heard keys jingling before my door finally opened and he walked in. I rolled my eyes, of course he had keys to my office.

"I'm sorry about that. If it makes this any better, I threw her out as soon as I heard the door shut. I really feel a connection between us and I want to explore it. I guess trying to make you jealous wasn't the way to go. So will you please go to dinner with me tonight?" I was shocked at his confession. Yeah I felt the connection but I wasn't planning on doing anything, if its meant to be it'll be, like the song goes.

I sighed again, not liking that I was happy about this. I didn't want to show that I was so I shrugged and said 'I'll think about it' getting back to work. He nodded and left the office, making let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding. Being around him makes me very nervous. And another thing is that if I take a chance with him, I know I'm gonna fall very hard and then when he gets tired of me which I know he will, I'll be the heartbroken one. People say when |I love I love hard and I don't see that as a bad thing or a weakness, If you're gonna love when not give it your all?

Yes I know there's the possibility of heartbreak but honestly what if the guy turns out to be your soulmate? But you missed out on your chance cause of something as stupid as fear. I don't even have a right to talk. Look at where I am all because of love. I thought he was my soulmate but instead I got emancipated for treason. Like does that even make any sense? My own father didn't believe me, it really breaks my heart.

I'm somewhat over it but I was always closer to my dad than my mom and it breaks my heart knowing he threw that all away without even hearing my side of the story. Yes there was a lot of evidence against me but think about it, I've lived my whole life there, my father is the king and all of n I'll just up and decide I plan a coup?.

With this in mind I find myself not guilty of wanting to find or believing in soulmates. I walked out of my office after gathering my things and noticing it was closing time. Thankfully Harry was still in his office.

I leaned against the door. "Are we doing this or not?"


A\N: Harry is such and idiot, but I'm the author so I guess that makes me and idiot? 🤦‍♀🤷‍♀.Also please don't forget to check out my other book.

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xoxo becarrh

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