Chapter 21

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Lilith POV

Gradutation is finally here. I decided to go to Stanford for college. Sure, Kaila is going to be an entire country away from me (and a 2 day journy by car), but we talked it over, and she agrees that for what I want to go to school for, Stanford will be my best choice. I want to go for either Criminal Justice or Social Work.

Besides, we have a plan. We'll facetime every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saterday. We'll call everyday. And during Summer break, we'll take turns driving or flying to visit each other. Sure, it'll be hard not to see each other every day, but it'll work, I know it will.

"LILITH! YOU READY?" Carla shouts from the living room.

"COMING!" I shout back. I walk out and Kaila meets me in the hallway.

"You look amazing," she smiles and gives me a kiss. I smile and kiss her back.

"Thank you, you look amazing also." I smile and we walk into the living room, hand in hand.

"There you guys are, ready to go?" Carla smiles.

"Obviously," Kaila answers, "I'm driving though."

"Obviously." Carla laughs and we head down to the truck. Kaila starts the car and we head to the graduation.

~One Hour Later~

"And now for a speech from our valadictiorian, Lilith Mathews." the principal announces. Everyone claps as I walk up to the microphone.

Shaking I stand up for the speech. I look at Kaila and she gives me a smile and a thumbs up.

I take a deep breath and speak, "A lot of you guys probaly don't know what to do after high school. But, someday everyone will figure it out. Some of you will become famous, some of you will make it into the history books, some of you might not become famous at all. But every single one of you will affect the world in some sort of way. So keep moving forward, and remember;  Live life and be nice to people. And use your fucking seatbelts."

I go back to sit down and wait for the ceremony to end.

~leaving day~

Kaila POV

(sorry about this being updated more late, just needed time to figure out what to put. I'll try to come up with more ideas sooner.)

I embrace Lilith into a huge hug. We are going our seperate ways, her all the way to California, me to New York. We had just packed up. Marcy is going to drive Lilith there and I'm driving to New York togather. She is going to Phonix University online since they don't feel safe having her on campus. And Carla wasn't able to take the SATs, and since she won't be able to pay rent herself, she is going to be staying with Marcy. We were going to live togather, but Carla insisted that I stay in dorms on campus and that "she needed time away from my weirdness" and that I "needed time by myself and room to bloom" whatever that means.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I whisper.

"Hey, don't worry." Lilith smiles, "We'll face time every other day, call every night, and text throughout the day. We'll be okay."

"I know," I reply, pulling away, "It just won't be the same, you know. But I'll visit you this summer, okay?"



"I gotta go. I love you." Lilith says kissing me.

"I love you too." I smile, kissing her back. "Bye."



That is all for this chapter! I'll make the next one longer, I swear. It's going where they are trying to get along in new enviroments. I'm also debating on wrather to end this book and make this into a series and have this as book one. Let me know what you think.

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