Chapter 19

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Kaila POV

Lilith has been gone for a week now. The cops say to just to keep on hoping and praying that she's alright, but I know that she won't come back home to me. I miss her so much, I haven't been eating or sleeping. I still go to school, still play soccer, but while I'm there phyically, I'm not there really. In reality, I'm still at the night before she was kidnapped. Hugging her while she slept, in my hoodie. I wonder if she still has it on. She is a bit smaller than me, but I still wear her hoodies. I haven't cried, not on the outside. I think if I did, I'd never be able to stop.

What makes all this worse it that today is our 6th month aniversery.

Lilith POV

I think I've gone insane. I've started talking to myself, laughing to myself. I haven't eaten, though a mysterious hand gives me water. Only water. The Hand lowers it in a bucket with a cup. He does it every now and then.

Today was the day that the hand lowerd the bucket.


The hand just let the bucket go down then left. After a little while, I cot with a girl in it is lowered down. The girl looks to be ten years old. Once she is down, the hand shakes her off and the cot is brought back up. I looked at the girl, then using the shirt under Kaila's hoodie, I cleaned her face off. and sat next to her and watched her. After I don't know how long she woke up.

"Wha-where am I?" The small girl askes.

"Welcome to the pit of hell." I reply, "Just kidding, you were kidnapped. I was to, names Lilith."

"Marley." She replies, "How long have you been here?"

"What day is it?" I ask.

"April 16." She answers.

"Oh, 12 days then." Realization dawns on me. "It's also my girlfriend's and mine's 6th month aniversery."

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, and she is the most amazing person in the world."

"I didn't know girls could date girls."

"Well, you can. And if anyone tells you diferintly, they are wrong."


"I know. How old are you?"

"I'm eight."

"Bastard kidnapped and eight year old." I mutter. Louder I ask, "How'd you get here?"

"I was playing in my front yard, a guy asked if I wanted icecream. I of course said yes! Cause, ICECREAM!" She exaggerates, "But then something hard hit my head, and now I'm here."

"I was walking home. I was about half way there, about to see my amazing girlfriend, then I got hit on the head, and now I'm here."

"Does she know you're gone?" She asks.

"I know she does. I also know she's called the police. Just like I know that you're parents know you're gone. I'm sure they've called the police to."

"How do you know?"

"I don't, but I got a feeling, you know? And sometimes, when a feeling is all ya got, you gotta trust the feeling, so you know that everything will be okay, because, if you don't believe everything will be okay, then it never will be. "

"How old are you?"

"17 and a half, why?"

"Because you sound really old."

"It's just common sense."

"No it's not."

I smile, for the first time in 12 days.. "I guess you're right, it's not."

Carla POV

"Kaila, you need to rest."

"No, we need to find Lilith and Marley. She's been gone for 2 weeks now. We need to find her." She replies, doing the workouts she's started doing. She's stopped going to school, soccer practise, she still goes to games though.

Kaila has been doing this since 2 days after Lilith went missing. Today is the 16th day. No sign of her. Cops have linked it to a kidnapping of 8 year old Marley Rhodes, who went missing 4 days ago.

*Check This out, I'm the Queen of dis town, yeah, I'm the Queen now, bish, bow down before me*

"Aye queen," Kaila says between push-ups, "Your phone is ringing."

"Oh really?" I reply sarcastically, "Could never tell."

"Hello?" I answer.

"We got a suspect in custody," Officer Rodringo answers, "We believe he is the one who kidnapped Lilith."

"And why are you calling to tell us this?"

"We know how Kaila has been doing, I thought this news would help."

"If she wants, can we go to the station?"

"Of course."

I hang up, "Rod said we can go to the station, they have a suspect in custody who they believe kidnapped Lilith and Marley."

She jumps up and grabs the keys and runs to the door, "Well come on, what're we waiting for?"

Shaking my head, I follow her out the door.

~At the Police Station~

"Carla, Kaila, hello." Officer Rodringo greets, "Suspect is in questioning right now, we have evidence that points to him, he also isn't denying anything so..."

Right then he walks out of the room. A look of reconistion goes across Kaila's face.

"He just confessed, but won't tell us where they are. He just keeps saying, "The girl knows where they are. She's been through this herself." the officer says.

Kaila walks up to him and looks him dead in the eyes. She balls up her fist, and punches him square in the nose.

With a bloody, broken nose, he smiles, "Good to see you to,"


I Know I Shouldn't, But I DoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora