"I want to talk with you about plans on attacking Dream's base." "That would be suicide at this point. We don't know anything about it and no one want to give us any informations." I told quietly while looking at clock. "This was takes too long for my liking." "Agree." "Hmm." "I hope I didn't disturb you from something." "No. I was just checking on soldiers." I told.

Even if Nighmare didn't show it. I think he is also scared of me. Not that I'm wrong. I still don't get why he went into war with his brother in first place. Probably for power and his "negativity" or what the hell that even is. I wonder how it makes him stronger anyway. But I should not ask about unnatural powers myself shoud I? No.

"Maybe we could do sneek in and destroy it from inside. We don't need to kill my brother. Even if I want to sometimes. He is still part of family." "It would be possible Nightmare. But we would also risk loosing our best soldiers and without them. We could even loose war." "Good point." Nightmare told looking at map before stabing pin in map.

"Even if we don't know much about ther base. We do know that this is their most vulnerable point." "Mass grave?" "Yes. i notice that every tuesday and friday they send out truck filled with dead boddies there. If we could sneek up inside than we have straid line into their insided from where we could attack." "That could possibly work. But we would need mapping for the base for us to-."

"Captain Nightmare!" Both of us turned around noticing messenger who just ran here. He looked at us and gulped before walking slowly and speaking. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. B-but one of the prisoners just d-died." "WHAT?! HOW!!" Nightmare shouted hitting table harshly. "He someone t-took gun from one guard and shot himself while shouting. "You will never get anything out of me! For the Guardians!" "That bastard." "So there is only one prissoner left." I asked and when I recive nod I chuckle before turning to Nightmare and speaking.

"I guess I will go adn try to get anything out of him myself. If it would be possible find me as much information about him as possible. Leave them in his cell and tied him to chair with chains." I told before leaving.

time skip

I walk thought prisson hearing nothing more then echoes of my steps. When I got to room of prisson #00745 I inhale from my cigar for one last time and threw it into trash before grabbing key and opening door. I notice him sitting on chair so I closed door and turned on light making him hiss before I grab paper and sit on chair infron of him.

"Another try. Tsc. Like I would say anything." "#00745  also called Stretch Rivertone." I saw how his face turned into shocked. Good they didn't screw up at least something. "So Stretch. I will ask you few qu-." "Go to hell with you questions!" He shouted. "Oh really so. Well I knew you would react like this. So what about making a deal." "I'm not trusting someone with blood on his hands." "I could say the same to you." He didn't answered.

". . . About this. If you will tell me all information you know about Dream's base." "Yea and what could be so worth of dumping my fr-." "Freedom." ". . ." "Heheheh. I knew you would be like this. So let me get this straid. If you will tell me everything I want to know. I will make sure you will be able to get back home before christams." "And why would I do that!" "To see your brother of course." "You would not doo such a thinks."

"You would dumped your only chance for freedom by thinking of me as a lier?" ". . ." "What's the matter? Got cat on your tun-." "I will tell you everything I know." "Really." I ask pleased. He nod. "Yes if it makes me to see my brother again. I will." My smile grew like never before. I then place his papers back and grab recorder.

"Now speak up." "Dream's base in between mountain of freedom on north side of country right next to sunshine river. There are two main entrees. One on souths side and other on north side thought mountin. You probably know about corpse system so just get in and when night will hit, go and ran to storage on left side. That way you can get in without any key cards. If you will manage to do so you will need to go thought prison we have in -4 floor." "-4? I thought you had only -3." Stretch shook his skull.

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