Todoroki furrowed his brows, in what seemed like confusion as to why you weren't picking up on what he wanted, "I meant together"

You had the sudden urge to go hug him, but realized all your classmates were around, so you tried to act chill, "Oh, yeah, sure"

Todoroki nodded and you both started heading for the dorms. Once you got to the fifth floor, you turned right, going to your room, before Todoroki's voice stopped you, "Where are you going?"

You turned around, a bit confused, "To my room?"

He fiddled with the strap of his bag, looking straight at you, "Why?"

"To do my homework"

"Oh" he said, looking extremely disappointed. You, however, thought he was adorable, and found yourself very eager to pinch his cheeks, just to see if they were squishy.

You tried to stop yourself from smiling, since Todoroki looked serious, "What?" you asked, encouraging him to say what was on his mind.

"I thought you wanted to do it together" he said, pouting, and you just about lost it.

"Pffft- oh my god"

He gave you a confused look, "Have I said something funny?"

"Sorry just-" you took a deep breath, trying to stop laughing, "Alright then."

Todoroki's face lit up, "So you're coming?"

You smirked, "If you help me with the homework"

Not quite sensing what you meant, Todoroki nodded and opened the door to his room. He let you walk in first, before following, "That was what I intended"

It was probably the third time you had come to his room, but it already felt more welcoming than your own. You weren't sure if the actual room was the reason, though.

Todoroki pulled you a chair at his desk and sat down on the one beside it, opening up his bag.

After two excruciating hours, you were both finally done, and you sighed, banging your head against the desk, "God, I hate school"

Todoroki rubbed his eyes, "You just hate homework"

"True." You mumbled, "But at least we're finally done"

Todoroki took one of the papers from your side of the desk and squinted at it, "Your handwriting is still horrible"

"You have such a way with your words" you said, sarcastically.

"How does anyone read it?"

You had lifted your head from the desk and looked at the paper in Todoroki's hands, "I have no idea. Even I don't understand it sometimes."

"That's not surprising" he nodded, and you took one of his papers. It was the exact opposite.

"Yours could be used as a font" you said, comparing the two.

Todoroki glanced at it, before shrugging and looking back at yours, "It's okay"

"Okay? It's fucking gorgeous!" you exclaimed, looking at his perfectly proportioned letters, "It looks like you typed this!"


"You're welcome."

You both then sat in silence. Todoroki was still looking at one of the papers with your homework, and you thought about asking him why, but decided to not interrupt the peace.


"What do you think about the dorms?" you asked, playing with the singular teddy bear in Todoroki's room. You having found it a few days back had been a bit embarrassing for Shouto, but he decided to let you play with it whenever you were in his room.

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