Chapter Two

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©️This is an adaptation, the story is not mine. Credit goes to the brilliant author.

Dear Jennie,
It's probably weird writing a letter to myself, right? But who else am I supposed to talk to. Anyways, last night Taehyung and dad got into a fight... again. Are we surprised? No. They've had the same issues for years now. I know dad went through a lot but we all did, which he doesn't seem to always understand. As for me, I've been having a lot of bad days lately.

The nightmares are back which Tae doesn't know and I can't tell him otherwise he'll start to worry again. I know he's just worried about me. He cares, but I don't want to burden him. I've already done enough. It just feels like- like the forest is dark again, the trees have dead leaves and the butterflies have broken wings. I'm okay though.
- Annie

Lisa read the last two lines over and over again.

She wondered and wondered what it was that hurt Jennie and why she was so broken.

She felt terrible, almost disgusted at herself as she held the thin piece of paper in her hands. Guilt poisoned her veins as she read her written thoughts- that she had no idea she could see.

She saw the piece of paper on the ground in the library yesterday and picked it up, figuring it was someone's class notes she could chuck out in the garbage. When she read it, she realized it was more.

Lisa didn't usually care about things like this but for some reason, she couldn't stop reading it nor could she stop thinking about how worried Jennie looked when she spoke to her after school yesterday.

She sighed, shoving the piece of paper in her pockets and heading out to her car to get to school.

Jennie sat in the front of the class in her homeroom which also happened to be Lisa's homeroom. She sat in the back with her buddies.

She had noticed her a few times, just silently walking down the halls or writing in class but never paid any attention to her until now.

Now, she couldn't stop glancing at her, wondering what she was writing. She assumed it was another letter.

"Man, are you okay?" Her friend Jackson nudged his arm. "What's with you? Why are you so zoned out today?"

Lisa looked at him and chuckled, forcefully. "Nothing, just tired. Rough night, didn't sleep much." she excused it, not wanting her friends to have the slightest clue about the situation with Jennie and her letters because she knew they would make a joke out of it.

After class, Lisa walked down the hall with her friends and paid attention to Jennie who headed to her locker and shoved a folded paper in before walking to her next class.

Lisa made the random decision to stick around until the bell rang and the halls cleared so she could get to her locker. She didn't know what pushed her to do it and she knew it was wrong and part of her felt guilty but she couldn't stop herself.

After cracking the combo which was easy for her, she opened it and quickly saw the folded paper she had left in there.

She glanced around the halls for a moment before quickly swapping out the notes, placing the one from yesterday in, and taking the new one.

She didn't know why she did it. She couldn't help herself.

She quickly scrambled away before anyone could see it and headed out to the bleachers where she lit herself a cigarette before opening the new note.

Dear Annie,
Something weird happened yesterday. Lisa Manoban talked to me... sort of. It was very odd, to say the least. A girl like her doesn't associate with people like me. I'm trying not to think about it but I'm worried I may have done something wrong that I'm unaware of- or maybe there's a rumor going around about me that I don't know about. Not that I'm someone anyone would have anything to say about, to begin with. I'm too irrelevant for people to even say bad things about me. Unless they're making fun of how pathetic I am which could be likely.

Anyways, I'm thinking too much and Jisoo and Chaeyoung say Lisa was probably just messing with me since she does flirt with every girl in the school. Aside from that, Uncle Hyunsuk is coming for dinner this Friday. That has got to be interesting though I may vomit at the thought of seeing him. I am tired of fighting what happened. For once, I think I'd like to be fought for. Anyways, I'm okay.
- Annie

Lisa read the note about four times before throwing out her cigarette and sighing in confusion.

She realized speaking to her only worried her, making her think she did something wrong which she felt bad about because it was nothing like that.

She didn't like that Jennie thought she was a player though it was true, but she didn't want her to have that image of her in her mind. It was confusing to her because she had no reason to care about her opinion of her since she was nobody so why did it matter?

She also couldn't help but wonder what the deal with her family was. The last note mentioned issues with her dad and brother and now her uncle, who it was evident she had problems with for some reason.

Lisa sighed, shoved the paper in her pocket, and headed inside, figuring she should get to class late rather than not at all.

Letters | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now