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Info: The user carries screens were ever they go and that is the quirk, so basicually they can go into any picture or video wether it be a photo of  you and somebody taking a picture near a waterfall you could jump on the screen while using the quirk and you would shrink and go in the picture but the thing is when you go in the everything is the same height as the picture and every, as for jumping into a video thats much harder cause you have to time perfectly when to jump in so they don't get hurt while doing so, because if its a fast moving video they could get hit by something of someone. You can also take things out of the screen but it can't be to big because if it is and you get out of the device it will break and you will be trapped inside forever :)

Drawbacks: If you stay in the picture for more then twenty minutes  you will be stuck there forever but luckily you can travel device to device but only if there really close to eachother and its very hard. Also the user has Horrible memory.

Bye have a good day/night!

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