"Oh I hope it's Monoma. I don't wanna be mean, but he does nothing but try to belittle us at every turn."

"I don't give a shit if I'm mean. Drop the fucking blond asshat." For once, I somewhat agreed with how Kaachan phrased something. "Still though wish Lizard Girl would stop smacking my ass."

"Take satisfaction with knowing you have two pretty girls that like you. Not everyone has someone that likes them."

"Says the man that has a harem of like a dozen chicks wanting his dick. How many did you sleep with?"

I felt a little irritated by this statement. "I HAVE NO PLANS TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT! WHAT ME AND THE GIRLS DO IS BETWEEN US!"

"Ok. Ok. You don't have to yell man." Kaachan started to laugh a bit before slapping my back. "Loosen your jockstrap man. You might get a bit more lucky if ya do." He walked towards the bus with me rolling my eyes at him.

"I swear, sometimes I think he does this to make me feel embarrassed for saying what I do."

I walked onto the bus with the girls saving a spot for me between them. Ochako sat inside, Tsu sat towards the isle, Momo, Kyoka and Mina sat behind us with Kaachan, Toga and Iida taking the seats in the front. "Did anyone see Yui with that kick?"

"I shouldn't condone violence, but that felt oddly satisfying to watch." Momo replied to Mina while I opened a bag for everyone to grab some snacks out of.

"Hey Izuku, whatcha got there?"

"I grabbed some snacks for everyone, Ochako. I thought it was going to be a long trip and something to munch on could help get our mind off of  it."

"Sweet!" Mina shouted while I looked through the bag to give the girls what I had for them.

"Let's see. For Ochako, I got Yakimochi."

"Ooh! Grilled mochi."

"Tsu I got lime jello."

"Thank you."

"For Mina, I've got dried okra."


"Kyoka I have a bag of rice crackers."


"And for Momo, I've got two Fatcakes(a Fat Gum sponsored cake that holds a lot of calories)."

"Thank you Izuku."

"I also got a bag of jalapeno chips for Kaachan and a thing of orange juice for Iida." I passed them up the stuff I got for them to make both of my classmates smile.

"Thank you Usagiyama."

"Appreciate it."

"I also got a couple things for everyone else to share as well." I passed the chips and popcorn to everyone with Mr. Aizawa hopping on the bus not long after.

"Seems you're all settled in now." He noticed the chips and popcorn being passed around to stare at Sero. "Pass me the chips when you're done." This was the only thing he said as we began heading off.

The trip was relatively noisy for the first hour. But by the time we got to the hour and a half mark, most of us relaxed and began to either pay attention to our phones or other things we had, or just sleep off the time.

3 hours later

"Alright. Everyone off the bus." I woke up to Mr. Aizawa asking us to get off and noticing us basically in the middle of nowhere. Hopping off, things just became weirder when I found out we were right near a cliff with nothing around from what it looked like for miles.

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