Chapter 22. Talk about movies

Start from the beginning

Azaad: "True though, you were right."

Bunga: "I gotta admit, true Nascar only goes left turn but it's really fast."

Janja: "It is fast."

Beshte: "You say it, little B."

Azaad: "I wanted to be a Formula 1 racer."

Fuli: "Formula 1?"

Bunga: "Now, that's better."

Janja: "Yup, at least didn't go left turn for 4 hours."

Azaad: "Yeah, I like Formula 1 better."

Fuli: "Name the famous driver."

Azaad: "Micheal Schumacer, Aryton Seena, Juan Manuel Fangio, Alain Prost, Lewis Hamilton, and there is a lot."

Fuli: "Wow! You really know the famous driver."

Bunga: "What are the cars?"

Azaad: "Alpine renault, Ferrari, Red bull Honda, Alpha Tauri, Haas, Mercedes AMG Motorsport, Mclaren, Aston Martin Racing Team & Alpha Romeo Racing Orlen."

Bunga: "Wow, that's a lot of cars."

Azzad: "It is, I wanna drive the Ferrari."

Bunga: "Now, you're talking!"

Janja: "Hell yeah!"

Beshte: "Alright, Azzad!"

Kion: "If I gotta choose one of those cars. I go with the Ferrari as well or the Mclaren."

Fuli: "I choose the Aston Martin."

Janja: "I choose the Mercedes."

Beshte: "I go with the Red bull honda."

Bunga: "Uh, Beshte?"

Beshte: "What?"

Bunga: "I'm sure you don't fit in the car."

Everyone laugh when they heard that.

Beshte: "Maybe? But if I lose weight, it will probably fit."

Bunga: "Let's hope so."

Around 2 minutes of rest later, Bunga speaks again.

Bunga: "I'm kinda dissapointed in the Lion Guard movie."

Kion: "What? Why?"

Janja: "All the 3 movies are great."

Bunga: "Well, it's true all 3 movies are great but they don't make a sequel anymore."

Kion: "Yeah, they don't make a sequel anymore. The director already said that the third movie is the final."

Fuli: "I can't believe the first Lion Guard movie came out in 2016."

Beshte: "Yeah, the second movie came out in 2017."

Kion: "And the third movie came out in 2019."

Bunga: "I'm kinda wondered what happen next when the prince of the Pride Kingdom married to the princess of Tree Kingdom."

Kion: "Yeah, I'm kinda wanted to know what happen's next."

Bunga: "What's your favourite role in the Lion Guard?"

Kion: "If I gonna pick a role of the Lion Guard, I go with the Leader. The fiercest member of the Lion Guard."

Bunga: "I choose the Bravest member of the Lion Guard, I'm a honey badger and as a honey badger, they don't give a shit."

Kion: "Well, you are perfect for the role."

Bunga: "How about you Beshte?"

Beshte: "I chose the strongest, you may call me Beshte the heavy because I'm the heaviest in this group."

Fuli: "I remember that where the dark lord attempting to kill the heroes by dropping a whole mountain range on top of them, not a mountain but a mountain range."

Kion: "Oh yeah, I remember that scene. He lift up the 150 billion ton mountain to saved his team."

Beshte: "That's the reason I pick the strongest."

Bunga: "I pick the bravest member it's because his healing factors, not even the big bang explosion could kill him in the movies."

Fuli: "I pick the fastest member because it's obvious I'm a cheetah and I like to go fast. In the movie the fastest member freaking run 200,000 times faster than the speed of light."

Azaad: "That is ridiculously fast."

Kion: "I pick the fiercest member and become a leader of the team."

Bunga: "Why is that?"

Kion: "Is because I'm the leader of the dodgeball team at highschool. My favourite scene is when the leader mastered the roar, he destroyed a planet with his sonic roar, just by one shout."

Bunga: "What else do you know?"

Kion: "He can summons spirits, Atmokinesis which is that he can create whirlwind to lift objects from the ground. Hyetokinesis that he can produce rain and thunder storm."

Bunga: "What else?"

Kion: "He got electroginesis, that he can summon lightning bolt."

Bunga: "I remember that scene where he shattered a meteor twice the size of earth with his lightning bolt."

Janja: "Yeah, that scene was awesome."

Beshte: "What a badass leader he is."

Kion: "Yup, a totally badass leader."

Bunga: "What else did you know?"

Kion: "He has the power of Geokinesis, that he can create earthquakes and also lift a mountain just like the strongest member."

Beshte: "He is the second strongest, right?"

Kion: "Yeah, he is the second strongest. What's make him powerful is because of his roar and his magic weapon which is his sword. He can only lift a mountain which is 50 billion ton."

Janja: "Well, that is impressive."

Kion: "Yeah, but not much."

Azaad: "What else was his strength?"

Kion: "Well, the leader is an expert tactician which is obvious because he's a leader, he also an expert tracker and expert combatant and an excellent singer."

Beshte: "What was his weakness?"

Kion: "His rage and evil deeds."

Fuli: "Oh yeah, if he use his power for evil deeds, he will lose the power completely or permanently."

Janja: "How come rage was his weakness?"

Kion: "Actually, rage was also make him stronger is just that he afraid he might lose control and kill someone innocent, he even create a large tidal wave while defending his friends on an island."

Bunga: "Sounds you really love that movie."

Kion: "Of course, I love that movie. Especially the characters."

Beshte: "Yeah, if only we become a member of the Lion guard that would be awesome."

Fuli: "If only. Too bad Ford riley the director of the movie doesn't make a sequel."

Janja: "It's already been confirmed the third film is the final. Plus, all the bad guys is gone and all four kingdoms are united as one empire."

Fuli: "Four?"

Janja: "Yeah, four kingdoms. Pride Kingdom, Tree Kingdom, Backlanders kingdom and the outsiders kingdom reunited as one."

Azaad: "What happy ending for a final movie."

Kion: "Yup, a happy ending."

They all laugh and smile as they talk about their favourite films of all times.

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