I Do!

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"Hey! You are looking gorgeous in bridal gown," said a girl.
"You are so beautiful!Now I understand why Susumu fall for you At his first sight." I overheard.
I was so nervous that I can hardly Notice the people around me.
I even didn't see my mom, she must have been sitting in the front row, or my family, or any of the guests they would have to wait there.
As soon as I entered the room, my eyes was looking for Susumu. For a second,I was distracted by the smell of cherry blossom that was alive hung in garlands from everything in the room , dripping with long lines of white ribbons. But I tore my eyes from the decoration and searched across more deeply and I found him at last standing before an arch overflowing with more flowers.
Then I really saw his face and it filled my vision and overwhelmed my mind his eyes, his perfect face was almost severe with the depth of his emotion. And then, as he met my gaze, he broke into a breathtaking smile of exultation.

The march was too slow as I struggled to pace my steps to its rhythm. Mercifully the aisle was very short And then at last I was there. My dad took my hand and in a symbol as old as the world, placed it in Susumu's hand,I touched the cool miracle of his skin and I was lost in my thought.

Our vows were the simple traditional words that had been spoken a million times, though I was almost lost in my thought I can recall every single word.Nothing else mattered but that I could stay with him.
I didn't realize was crying until it was tune to say the binding words.
"I do" I managed to choke out in a nearly whisper, blinking my eyes clear so I could see his face."I do," He vowed in his clear and victorious voice.

This was all I could want in my this short life.I am officially his now,we are together and will be together till death do us part.
Then he kissed me tenderly, adoringly, I forget the crowd, the place, the time
only remembering that he loved me that he wanted me, that I was his. He began the kiss, and he had to end the kiss but I chung to him, ignoring all and the throat-cicering in the audience. Finally, his hands restruined my face and he pulled back.
The crowd erupted into applause, and he turned our bodies to face our friends and family I couldn't look away from his face to see them.
"Are you happy now?" Susumu asked me almost in a whisper."I could only imagine this day in my dreams my love,"I said in an equally low voice.I was blushing so hard.

(P.O.V of None)
"Or In Your Nightmares,"A man sitting far away in front of a Television which is showing a wedding ceremony hissed angrily.Then suddenly he brust out  laughing though it was more like laugh of devil.

Five years Later....

(P.O.V Of Susuma)

I was Working in my kitchen making food for my kids.For my little Kai and Kaya. Sometimes I question myself about the happiness of my life I have gotten adoring parents,the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and married to him.
Not to mention that my father-in-law didn't accept me but Susumu assured me I should not worry about that.He never like to talk about his past but something says me that Mr. Valtaire Hiwatari wasn't successful as a father. He have a big company name 'Hiwatary Military Enterprise' but Susumu didn't join his company.I was shocked at his decision but supported him totally.He joint my dad's company and now The CEO of our 'Takahashi Trading Company'.
My father was really happy about the decision.After all I am the only heiress of One of the most noble Japanese family Takahashi Family.
My son Kai is very much like his father except his beautiful crimson eyes which he inherited from me and my daughter has gotten all mine.
This was all I could ever want.

Sudden knock on the door bring me back to reality

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Sudden knock on the door bring me back to reality.I open the door and I was quite confused seeing Susumu as it was not his normal arrival time.
"Is everything alright?" I asked as he entered the room and looked anxious.He said in a sad voice"I don't know how to explain but today I got one call from an unknown Rassian number who introduced himself as our butler and informed me that father is in hospital and fighting between life and death.He added that father wished to see me and his grandson as his last wish." I didn't realize my eyes was full of tears until Susumu wipe my tears. Though I knew that Voltaire didn't accept me but still he doesn't deserve his last part of life so alone.No matter how I justify this his only son and family living far away from him just because of me.An unknown guilt arose in my mind.
I looked at Susumu and asked when their flight will be.He sighed in relief and smiled at me weakly.He said,"I knew you'd never say No.But I want you to know something. Voltaire my father is not so good and having so many illegal businesses and money, he is one of the most notorious underworld criminal.I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I tried."I cut off him saying,"Doesn't matter.He is dying now and you should go.Say him I am sorry.""Don't be my love.Get Kai ready we will be leaving in an hour," He said.

(P.O.V of Susumu)

I don't know why I am having a bad feeling about this matter. Father's Sudden illness, unknown call,I don't know why but I was thinking what if these all are lies and a trap of Voltaire to get me in Russia. One part of my mind is still afraid of the thought that how powerful criminal he is in Russia. Killing anyone and doing anything is quite a game for him.I just wish I was Wrong.I slapped myself mentally what was I thinking.
I am his only living heir and my son is his grandson. He can never plan to harm us.
I was brought into reality by my son's call."Daddy..Daddie."Kai called,"Mamma said that we are going to meet grandpa.I am so excited for going to Rus...," He was stopped by his mother's glare.I can't help smiling.None of our house can ignore her glares.She said with a little mother's authority in her voice,"Your grandfather is I'll and you are going to visit him.Pray for him and it is not a enjoyment tour. Understand?" He nodded and his mother kissed him on his forehead.
I went to my little princess Kaya who was watching me from sofa and kissed on her cheeks."By-by da-da,"She said in her almost two years baby voice shaking her little hands."I love you Kaya"I said." She said almost shouting"I luv Yoo to" Kai was laughing at her inability to speak and hugged her tightly.I kissed Misaki and we went to the car. At the airport, before getting on the plane I come close to Misaki's ear and whispered,"Promise me, one thing if I don't return you will never ever come to Russia in search of me."I almost ran to the plane and sit on my seat.I don't want to see the reaction of her face and can't handle that.I don't know what will happen if my worst nightmare comes true.I was not sure if it was a mistake to enter Russia.
My son suddenly shake my hand and said,"Daddy,how to tie this?" ,Pointing to the seat belt.I can't help smiling at the view of his struggling with his tiny hands to put on the belt. I helped him and my little curious son started asking me questions about plane and Russia. I was happily answering him because in comparison to the kids of his age,he is quite calm and  serious. After sometime Kai fall asleep on my shoulder.

(P.O.V of None)
"Where are they?"asked a cold voice sitting on armchair in the dark."On the way sir. They took the flight to Russia tonight."said one man."Good boy,I knew he can't refuse my call.After all he is my blood,"said the first man laughingly.
Five years ago you take my son away from me Misaki Takahashi. Now it's my turn. He said,"Get the assassins ready.They will leave for Japan tonight.Give them instructions,it should be a mini game for them to kill a woman and a little kid.Get me the video I would love to see the fear and pain on her eyes."
"Yes,sir!" Answered one man and left.

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