Ghost of past

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"I feel sick....."moaned dragon-wielder for tenth time in their plane ride to America.
Rai sighed. Max and Kenny giving the said boy a concerned look and Kai....
Wait where is Kai again..

Kai was wondering why on the earth he was even bothered by those bunch of whiney babies. He rubbed his temple in an useless attempt to remove the headache that was sure to come now. How the hell he was even here!!

"Oh.. Tyson I told you too much airplane food can make you sick!" Said the computer nerd. "But he ate it too" Tyson whined, pointing to Kai.
Kai cringed at the accusations inwardly but showed nothing.

'Believe Tyson Granger to compare his pathic excuse of a stomach more like a black hole with me.'Kai thought. He had only ate because he didn't eat anything for almost a day. He couldn't bring himself together to eat actually after the events of last night. He had caught flight first thing in the morning.
He vision was already blurry but he couldn't have collapsed, not before these idiots now. They would do god knows what, in fact was taking all his self restraints to not throw up the little food he ate. But Tyson being Tyson has gulped down almost everything the air hostess had to offer and now facing the consequences yet he have the nerve to blame Kai!

Yet again he had lost to this idiot! Well, that was a fluke of course! Was it! Damn! Tyson's bitbeast was really strong! Kai wonder how Tyson get dragoon though! Dragon was not with Tyson when Kai beat him on the riverside. But then again he can vaguely remember how he get Dranzer.

As he slightly let his eye close. His mind drift off and a some unknown scenes got their ways on his mind.

* Ö *

The dark narrow passage echoed from the voice of running steps. The little boy was gasping tremelously as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him in the seemingly endless cold passage. He was scared and the unshed tears in his rubby eyes didn't cease to swell. Heart-rending scream hit his ears far back from him but he didn't turn back. Even though he wanted to slow down, just stop and don't go further, his legs unwittingly carried him forward. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest and a streak of tear rolled down his pale cheek.

'Don't stop little one. You're almost there.' tried to reassure him the spirit in his mind.

"But what are you?" mewled the boy desperately while he blindly tried to ferret out the path. "Where is Papa and mamma!-

'They will be always with you and you have to be strong for them, too. They wanted you to stay strong. I only can help for you that'

"But I'm so scared!" cried the little boy, and he shed more tears, would you leave me too?

'I'll be always there for you, little master. You're the only one who could tame me and from now on I will always stay by your side.'

Soon something brightness would show up in the end of your pains, and it would grow larger. The little boy's legs had slowed down before they came to stop before the exit of darkness. He looked down at his pocket where inside his blade glowed. The female spirit spoke again.

'This is not the end of your way. Remember, I will never die, never leave you. Phoenix never dies they rises from the ashes. Just like you.

'Now, wipe your tears. A Hiwatari never loses his heart, right? As your would always have courage .'
For a moment all he could see was his father walking away from him steadily. Kai decided to run, he did so but luck was not in his side. He slipped in the ice and fall

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin