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While watching the door to Edward Carlisle's office, Nick paced as he tried to act like he was working. Abby was inside with her uncle, whom Nick recognized from the cemetery. From what she had told Nick about the events leading up to her death, Nick knew that the purpose of her uncle's visit was to demand more of Edward's inheritance. And if Nick remembered the story correctly, she would soon ask Harry to kick the greedy man out of the building.

Nick rubbed his hands on his pant legs, itching to throw out the jerk himself.

"Harry!" Abby's voice rang out in panic.

Nick dashed toward the room, determined to be the first one in. As he yanked open the door, adrenaline flowed through his body.

"Nick," Abby sighed.

"Miss Carlisle, is this man giving you problems?"

Tears glistened in her eyes as she nodded.

Nick grabbed Alexander by his suit jacket and lifted him until his toes barely touched the floor. "Nobody hurts Miss Carlisle. Do I make myself clear?"

Alexander tried to wiggle out of Nick's grasp, but Nick wouldn't budge. He shook the older man again. "Do you hear me?"

"Yes, now put me down."

Nick let go of him as if he were a hot coal. Alexander stumbled backward.

"Miss Carlisle," Nick said calmly, "would you like me to escort your uncle outside?"

"Yes, please." Her voice trembled.

Alexander stepped in front of Nick, his face red and his eyes glaring. "Let me pass."

"This is a warning," Nick said in a low voice. "You will keep your distance. If you don't, I will come after you, and you'll regret not heeding my words. Do you understand?"

The man nodded, his jaw tight and his hands in fists at his sides.

Nick stepped away from the door to let Alexander through. A crowd of employees had gathered. Harry stood in front, his mouth agape, but when Alexander walked past, Harry grasped his arm and hurried him along the hall toward the stairs.

The crowd followed Harry and Alexander, but Nick rushed back into the office and closed the door behind him. Abby stood by the window, her arms hugging her quivering body. Nick's stride ate up the distance between them until he pulled her into his arms. She stiffened, but as soon as he gently pressed her head to his chest, her body crumbled against him.

She cried into his shirt while he stroked her back, speaking soft words into her ear. "It's over now. I won't let him come near you again."

She sobbed louder, and Nick held her tighter.

"I won't let him do what he threatened. That inheritance is yours, not his."

Abby's crying stopped, and she jerked her head up. "How—" she swallowed "—how do you know what he said?"

Silently, Nick scolded himself. He'd stuck his foot in his mouth again. How could he get out of it this time? "I've known for a while what your uncle has planned."

She shook her head. "But how?"

He wiped her tears with his fingers. "You know how your grandmother has dreams about future events?"

Abby nodded.

"Sometimes I know what will happen in the future, too."

Her mouth hung open. "Indeed?"

Nick smiled. "Yes, in a rather odd way. That's how I know I'm supposed to protect you."

"I—I still don't understand."

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