Chapter 3 - Damn you stupid vanilla/cinnamon scent

Start from the beginning

Damn you stupid vanilla/cinnamon scent.

"Cooper don't you have a cash register you need to be on? You know taking customers and such." He asked, running his hand through his hair and simultaneously flexing his muscles.

Why does he have to do that? Like why? And for who? Like everyone else is like is either a man or a way older woman. And by way older,  I mean born-before-the-bubonic-plague older.

Cooper couldn't even get a word in, before the customers took a look at his name tag and started taking jabs.

"Copper? Why would your parents name you that?" Said one customer.

Don't they have nothing better to do?

I could feel Axel leaning against the cash register behind me and just enjoying this.

"Did your parents love science? Oh my God are they a part of Scientology? My wife's sister said Tom Cruise was a part of it and he was never the same afterwards." Butted in another lady who came out of nowhere.

This was getting interesting. Cooper was just standing there in complete awe, not knowing who to answer first or what to say to begin with. People seemed to have moved on from my alleged incompetence and onto the typo on Cooper's name tag.

"Dear, you can tell me the truth. Did your parents have a bet and ended up with your name?" Asked Mrs. Jameson.

"No wait, is your name really copper? Like from the periodic table? Are you really named after a metal?"

"No ma'am. I am not named after a metal." He replied as politely as he could. Then he glared at Axel and me. "So this is what I get for trying to help you huh? Nice. Ma'am, sir I can help you at register six if you'd like." He said, pointing towards his register.

"No thank you. I'd rather not be cashed out by you." Said one guy, stifling a laugh.

"Why not? He's a great cashier. And this is literally his job." Replied Axel, on the verge of laughing.

"He could be mad that his parents named him copper that he'd take it out on my bread." Laughed the man high-fiving a laughing Axel, which caused a domino effect of laughter.

Cooper took one, long glare at Axel (who by now was laughing silently his entire body was shaking) and he went back to his register.

As I cashed out the last customer and put the "Closed" sign to go join Cooper and Lara for our break, Axel came out of nowhere.

Always out of nowhere.

"What did Cooper mean when he said 'this is what I get for helping you'? What did you need help with that Cooper could assist you with and not me." He asked, tilting his head to the side.

Is this what he's been thinking about the entire time?

"Oh nothing. Just some customers acting mean. It's nothing really." I said, not adding the fact that I may have almost shed literal tears.

"Are you sure it's nothing? I know these people and how rude they can get. Next time you should call me...."

"I'm fine. I'm a grown up. I can handle it. Okay?" I lash out, interrupting him mid-sentence. I shouldn't have done that, but I also shouldn't be treated like I need saving every three seconds. I can handle a few rude people.

I couldn't exactly decipher the look on his face. Was it anger? Hurt? Surprise? Whatever it was, he just masked it with a nonchalant shrug then walked away. I just don't understand why this guy feels like he needs to be up in my space all the time. I am having none of it. I'm just here to make money.

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