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(who needs mental health. Hehehe..... Yeah, that's why I haven't updated. 

Also, I got a vote for Larry so I'll go with Larry from now on)

Larry was destined to be with him lol

Also, I'm pretty sure I gave up on this book around when my ex cheated on me so that's what the comment above was)

(edited 1-21-23)

"Levison!"Holly yelled as she hugged me, making me hiss slightly. 

"I was hit with a bat, ya know. I'm fragile."I chuckled, softly hugging her. 

"How do you not have security? I know you're out here but still."Holly questioned, going to her truck as I put my tools in the back of it. The others were concerned about my injuries so they didn't want me driving, getting Shrignold to ask Holly to take me to work for a few days. 

"I never thought about getting any. For me my gun was enough."I lied, Holly shaking her head as we headed off. The reason I never had security was because if someone broke in, I would've just killed them and put them in my basement to burn. Now that I had the others...... I silently cursed myself, looking out the window. 

"Well it isn't now."Holly said, making me tighten my hands.

"..... I know....."I quietly said, her glancing at me. 

"Don't worry buddy, I'll help you set them up."Holly said, making me nod. 


She dropped me off, leaving as I went inside my house. I came in to see most were asleep, only a humanoid Tony and a passed out Larry were in the living room. 

"What took you so long?"Tony asked, looking up from his book. I smiled, taking off my jacket. 

"Some sack tried robbing the store. Didn't see me pull out my gun."I said, glancing to see Tony's eyes had widened. I smiled. 
"I guess everyone wants a piece of me."I joked, heading to the kitchen. My smile fell as I fixed myself a cup of coffee, turning to see Tony's arms crossed. I stood there for a few seconds as the coffee brewed, looking at him. 
"What's wrong?"I asked, Tony sighing. 

"I wanted to know if you've gotten the security alarms yet."Tony asked, making me slowly nod. 

"I actually asked about that. There's a store near the gas station that has some. I'm gonna grab them tomorrow."I said, Tony nodding. He kept his gaze down, getting closer to him to see his stern face crumble. 
"Now, what's actually wrong?"I asked, Tony looking up at me. 

"..... Me and Sketch watched you.... We watched them hurt you....."Tony said, my heart clenching. He looked back down, poofing back to his clock self. I walked closer to him and stood close to him, not sure whether to hug him or not. 

"I'm….. I'm sorry you all had to hear and witness that. I swear on my life that you and the others will never witness that again."I said, rubbing his back. I could feel him shake as I picked him up and headed to the living room, smiling at a now awake Larry who watched me set Tony down. 
"How about you head to bed in my room? I can stay here in the living room."I said, watching Tony about to protest only for me to shush him. 
"Sleeping on a bed is more comfortable than sleeping on the wall. I'll be heading out tonight anyways."I said, Tony giving in. He bid me goodnight and left, leaving me and Larry. I relaxed against the couch and sighed, looking over at the lamp. He looked sad, concerning me.
"Larry?"I asked, the lamp glancing at me. 

"Where are you going?"Larry quietly asked, making me look away. 

"I'm gonna ride around, maybe go into town to see if the shop is open."I said, him nodding. We sat there in silence, every second eating at me. I went to stand, stopping when he suddenly hugged me. 

"Please don't go."Larry quietly begged, making me look at him. I could see tears go down his lamp face as he stared up at me, immediately making me hug him. 

"I won't, I'll stay here."I assured him, Larry nodding into my shoulder. He poofed, hugging me with human-like arms. I pulled him onto my lap and held him, feeling him shake. I leaned over and grabbed a blanket from the arm rest, covering the both of us as I laid us on the couch. Using my phone I turned off my lights, closing my eyes as I fell asleep with him in my arms. 

(it's been some time since I've updated, I think a month. Wow. )


This has been a draft for so long lmao)

A groggy groan escaped me as I suddenly woke up hearing voices, see Sketch with her phone pointed at me. 
"Oi, what are you doing."I groggily asked, the girl yelping before scurrying off with a giggle. I shook my head as I felt the pain medication had worn off, going to sit up only to realize softly snoring weight on me. I look down to see Larry's fluffy hair in my face, the lamp hugging me tight as to not fall. Oh yeah. I sighed, laying my head back as I moved my arm around him again. I wish I could get my pain meds- Tony walked in, looking at the two of us as I stared surprised at him.

"Hey, Tony. Did you sleep well?"I asked, a small smile on my face. He smiled back, a little concerned. 

"I did but what about you? You look exhausted."Tony questioned, making me nod. 

"The doctors prescribed me with pain medication. It wore off while I was asleep but don't worry, I'll grab it once Larry wakes up."I answered, relaxing so I could distract myself from the small spikes of pain my head and back were sending me. Tony didn't even hesitate to go grab my medication, kinda making me feel happy because it shows he cares. 

"It says to take two before bed and after waking up, one in noon."Tony read, handing me the pills. A chuckle escaped before I swallowed the two small pills, closing my eyes a bit. 

"Thanks, Tony. I mean it."I said, looking at him. I could still see the sadness and stress eating at him. It killed me internally just realizing just how badly it affected him. Affected all of them.
"I'm an asshole."I said, getting a shocked look from him
"I've been alone for about 6 years by myself. It took two years to get used to leaving just to earn money outside my home."I quietly said, closing my eyes. 
"I'll admit, I don't usually mind getting my shit kicked in cause I never had to worry about how that affected people. Only me."I ended, opening my eyes to look back at him. 
"So I'm sorry for how lightly I've been treating getting beaten. I know you guys worry and I'm happy to have that. To have people to worry and worry over."I smiled, Tony smiling before chuckling to himself. 

"It's fine. I'm a worrier so it's more on me."Tony said, patting my leg. 
"Get some more sleep, I'll call in for you at work."He said, leaving me be. I couldn't help but chuckle at that, knowing he was just gonna tell Holly I couldn't come in. Soon enough I could feel myself slipping away, my eyes growing heavy only to fully close. I wonder what I'll… dream…… about……. Zzzzzzzz

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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