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Ana tried to act as normal as she could the next few days

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Ana tried to act as normal as she could the next few days. She didn't think it completely worked, because Regulus was sending her concerned glances and was asking if she was feeling alright.

But she had to try to forget the whole my brother is gay and with the guy i'm supposed to marry thing. tonight was the night where she had to make her case for her and Eddie to be engaged. Both his father and irritable brother would be there.

She dressed in the nicest garment she brought with her: a light gray silk dress with lace embellishments. Narcissa had gifted it to her for Christmas.

Anastasia's hands shook as she put on her earrings. This night could determine the rest of her life. If she didn't want to be stuck in a loveless, abusive marriage, she had to sell this, and she had to sell it good.

Regulus put on her necklace for her before giving her a small hug of encouragement. He didn't say anything. Ana could only imagine what was going on in his brain.

She walked into the dining room, the letter clasped so tight in her hand that her fingers were turning white. Eddie, his brother, and his father were sitting at the table. Ana greeted all three of them before sitting down next to Eddie.

"It's nice to see you, Anastasia. You've grown up," theolonius said. He had graduated from Hogwarts a few years prior and gained a job in the ministry, probably due to nepotism.

"It's nice to see you too. How is everything going at the ministry?"

"Oh- just the same old stuff. Arthur Weasley got placed in the same department as me, and he doesn't know how to shut up. Muggle lover, he is."

She laughed, even though she didn't know what Arthur Weasley was like. all All knew was that his family bred like rabbits and were all gingers. He had married Molly Prewett a few years ago and she was already pregnant with their third.

Ana cleared her throat and handed the letter to Eddie's father. "That has all the details, but we can talk through it here as well if you like."

The old man set the letter aside and smiled. "I'm afraid we'll do very little talking, Anastasia."

Ana blanched. Was she already being denied before the conversation had already begun?

"We're all quite fond of you and your family. You're respectable and of undoubted pureblood ancestry. We couldn't ask for any more for Edward." She glanced at Eddie, whose face was rather blank.

"My family feels the very same about yours, sir. I also thought that it would be preferable to marry someone you already know well."

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