Episode 7: The Alliance

Start from the beginning

A sharp feeling runs through Ben chest, "Ben!" Gwen calls, stepping outside the Rust Bucket. Ben hops over to Gwen "Y/N ok?" He asks, Gwen looks at him with a worried expression "Is she ok?" Ben asks again. Max walks outside "Ben, somehow, Y/N was able to use her powers...but it took a lot from her." Max explains, looking away from Ben "Meaning?" Ben asks.

"He lost her pulse." Gwen tells Ben, Ben's heart stops and he rushes inside the Rust Bucket. "Ben-" Max stops in his words as Ben stares at Y/N "We need to get her to the hospital." Gwen states carefully. Max sighs "I'll take her. Meet me there." Ben says quietly, grabbing Y/N and leaping out of the Rust Bucket. "Ben!" Gwen calls, Max places a hand on her shoulder "Let him go." He sighs.

Ben hops over cars and looks down at Y/N "Come on, Y/N. You can't die yet! You just can't. You haven't even gotten to become an artist yet or go to college or go to the moon or...even be my girlfriend..." Ben trails off before growling "I'm gonna kill Kevin when I get the chance."


Ben and Gwen stand outside of Y/N's room as Max talks to the doctor "Y/N has suffered a severe concussion. She'll be out for several more hours. She also has a broken leg." The doctor states "She's gonna be ok, right?" Ben asks. The doctor hums "For a kid her age, she's remarkably strong. Y/N's cells seem to regenerate quicker than most kids. She'll be fine after some rest." He tells Ben calmly

"But Grandpa said he lost her pulse." Gwen says "Well," The doctor says, gesturing to the beeping from Y/N's room "She's still very much alive. Now-it says on her admittance form she was attacked by a boy. Was this boy reported?" "Well-" Ben cuts Max off "Actually, she was attacked by a mutant freak." He corrects. Max and the doctor share a glance "Vivid imaginations are good coping mechanisms in situations like these." The doctor says softly, patting Ben's shoulder.

Ben smiles weakly before looking at Y/N

~(5 Months Ago)~

"Are you sure you're gonna be up for this trip?"

"What? Of course I am," Y/N says, fluffing her pillow "Why wouldn't I be?" "You are the biggest klutz I know." Ben says "Benji, I'm the only person you talk to." Y/N snorts. Ben rolls his eyes "Still! Look at all the bandaids you have on! And those are from last week!" Ben huffs, Y/N looks up at Ben and flashes a dumb grin "We shouldn't be worried, I'll have my best bud, Benji Tennyson, protecting me~" She laughs. Y/N turns on her side and throws a blanket on. She didn't notice Ben, who was staring at her with red cheeks and a worried expression.


Ben and Gwen sit in Y/N's room while Max talks to Mother/Name on the phone.

Gwen shoots Ben a worried look as he stares at Y/N sadly "Ben, you heard the doctor," She says "She's going to be fine. She's....Y/N." Ben sighs and slouches deeper into his chair, he eyes never leaving Y/N "I'm worried about her." He says. "I'd worry more about how some girl know cakes Fourarms' butt." Gwen says, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Hey, heroes don't hit girls." Ben says seriously, Gwen smirks "Good to know." She says before punching Ben in the arm. Ben rubs his arm and punches Gwen back "Ow! I thought you said-" "I'm not in hero mode." Ben scoffs. Gwen raises her fist to hit Ben again, but pause when he saw Ben's sad expression. Ben sighs quietly and walks out of the hospital room, Gwen sighs and follows him "You ok?" She asks.

Gwen walks up to Ben "Normally, slugging me in the arm would make you feel much better." She says. Ben crosses his arms and looks out the window, an idea sparks in his head "You know...maybe if I went Upgrade. I could get in those machines she's hooked up to and see if I can make her better." Ben says, dialing the Omnitrix. Gwen sighs "Ben, that won't work." "Ok...then what if I went Ghostfreak? I could meld with Y/N and wake her up or something. I don't know-I just want to help her, you know?" Ben presses the buttons on the Omnitrix.

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