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Light Yagami- Light is characterized as hardworking, talented, and a natural genius. Highly perceptive and good with problem solving, Light was a skilled planner and good at mapping out scenarios. Furthermore, Light was very popular among peers and adored by his family members. However, his high intelligence and constant praise from adults laid the foundation for an intense level of hubris which quickly took effect once he obtained the notebook.
Similar to his father, Light has a strong sense of justice but this quickly becomes warped after he becomes tainted by the notebook's power. Believing the world to be "rotten," he uses his Death Note as a means by which he can enact his will to rid the world of evil people. Light's main goal is to create a new world that is free of injustice and populated only with people whom he deems honest and kind, thus becoming the "God of the new world". Light is decisive and driven to achieve his ambitions, without faltering one bit in his beliefs. Despite knowing the criminality of murder, Light would consider his actions the ultimate "sacrifice" to help the world.

Through use of the Death Note, Light quickly begins to develop a cold and ruthless nature. As a utilitarian, he will take any means in order to achieve his goals. His actions do put his family in harm's way, though he does continue to love them regardless. This is demonstrated when his sister is kidnapped; he prevents his father from taking drastic action as a way to keep his sister safe in spite of the fact that Mello would gain the Death Note.

Additionally, the series shows that Light was not born remorseless. After relinquishing the notebook and losing his memories to temporarily avoid suspicion, Light demonstrates compassion, a reluctance to manipulate others and an intense unwillingness to kill. Once his memories return, however, he reverts back to his ruthless Kira persona and remains that way until his death.

The degree of Light's hubris varies by adaption. In the manga, Japanese films and musical, Light is steadfast in his decisions as Kira and rarely expresses any doubt in his actions. In the anime, however, as he tries to escape capture in critical condition, Light imagines what his life could have been if he did not pick up the Death Note. Light is even more doubtful in the drama and Netflix film adaptions. In these continuities, he is far less confident, hesitant to kill and considers turning himself in when feeling cornered. Nevertheless, Light has consistently been portrayed as an idealist and as an individual who is willing to go to extreme measures in order to defend his idea of justice.

Minoru Tanaka-Minoru is shown to be incredibly smart despite his poor performance in school. Like his predecessor, he is good at problem-solving and planning, devising a plan to sell the Death Note and working around the heightened levels of security that have arisen as technology has advanced. His intelligence was praised by Near who, for the first time since becoming L, admitted defeat after being unable to track Minoru down.

Unlike Light Yagami, however, Minoru does not seem to have a strong sense of justice. Although he is morally opposed to using the Death Note himself, he has no issue with making it available to anyone who is willing to pay for it, regardless of how they plan to use it once he has sold it to them. In fact, when the USA and China promise, while bidding for the notebook, that they will use it for altruistic purposes, he makes a point of announcing that he does not care why they want it, he just wants to know how much they are willing to pay for it. Among the Kiras, while it was not his main intention, Minoru's actions created the most economically positive influence for Japan. After his plan was complete, Japan's economy boomed, especially around the capital, and the event was known as the Reiwa Bubble or the Kira Bubble, and Japan's inhabitants praised Kira as a god once more.

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