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Soichiro Yagami-Soichiro is a kind man with a strong sense of justice. He cares greatly for his family and the members of the Japanese Task Force. He is a serious and responsible man that gains the respect of many. He has a strong sense of duty, and even after the police stop funding the Kira investigation he continues trying to solve the case with the Task Force.

Soichiro was often absent from home, meaning that he spent little time with his family. However, this is in part to his motto, "justice first, family later" (a belief Light ends up adopting).

Throughout the Kira investigation, he believes that his son is innocent. In order to prove it, he goes so far as to kidnap Light (who had given up the Death Note and lost his memories of ever using it) and his girlfriend, Misa Amane (who had also given up her Death Note and had no memories of it), and put them in a situation in which if Light were Kira, Light would have no choice but to kill him.

Thanks to L's accusations of Light being Kira, Soichiro's role as a detective is challenged and so are his deontological values he holds, allowing L to take drastic and illegal measures simply in order to prove to himself that his son isn't Kira, such as when he allowed L to place surveillance cameras in the Yagami household, a move that Soichiro would otherwise detest and disagree with thanks in part to its unlawful nature.

When his daughter Sayu is kidnapped by the Mafia, he becomes conflicted over whether or not he should follow their wishes and trade the Death Note for Sayu. His dilemma comes from having to choose between the duty of an officer, and the duty of a parent. As a police officer and the Chief of the NPA, he believes that handing over the Death Note to the Mafia is wrong, and the Death Note in the hands of the Mafia is too great a risk. However, he ultimately decides that he will make the excha nge, not as an officer, but as Sayu Yagami's father.

Taro Kagami-Taro is a young boy with cheek-length, smooth, black hair, and he wears a school uniform consisting of a white collar shirt and pants.

Later, when Taro is an adult, he closely resembles Teru Mikami.

Teru Mikami- Considering Kira to be his God, Mikami is a devout Kira-worshiper. His answer to a Kira's Kingdom question that asked what he thought of Kira was simply "God." His loyalty to Kira is exemplified when he forces himself to stop questioning Kira after he is perplexed by the task of creating and using a fake notebook. Aside from his disdain of "lazy people", Mikami shares the same view on crime as Kira, which is what made Light choose him to carry out judgments when he was put under surveillance.

Mikami has a strong sense of justice that has developed over the course of his childhood. He detests crime and, similar to Light, expresses a fervent passion for punishing evil. His sense of justice, however, has developed into a rather "black and white" understanding of people and he goes as far as to label everyone he meets as either good or evil. What Mikami has learned in childhood has also caused him to become obstinate about encouraging people to improve society, resulting in his disdain for "lazy people." This is reflected in one of Kiyomi Takada's televised messages. in which Mikami has her announce that those who do not contribute to society will be killed by Kira.

While Light and Mikami have very similar ideals, the gap is evident through Mikami killing people who merely had a criminal record, even if they still do not commit crimes. Light disagrees with this because of how contradictory it is to Kira's purpose of deterring people to commit future crimes. While Light is more interested in scaring criminals in order to prevent crime, Mikami is more interested in retribution.

Much like Light, Mikami is fiercely dedicated to his goals. As such, despite having a strong conviction for justice, he is not above taking innocent lives so long as it serves a greater purpose. For instance, in the manga, he kills a photographer who tries to sneak into one of Light and Takada's meetings. Unlike Light, though, he does not hesitate to sacrifice half of his remaining lifespan to receive the Shinigami Eyes.

Mikami has a special interest in children and is interested in preparing children for becoming model citizens. The anime delves deeper into this concern, providing a scene of Mikami as an adult intervening when a group of young students bully one of their classmates.

Mikami is notable for adhering to a strict, daily schedule, a trait noticed by both Light and Near. For instance, he exercises at a gym at the same time on the same days each week, regardless of holidays, and he has been a member at this gym for years. Whenever he judges criminals in his Death Note, names are written down in straight columns in every page. He also fills up exactly one page with names each day - a feat which Light notes as "obsessive." Near and the SPK are able to take advantage of Mikami's clockwork life and find occasions to tamper with his notebook. Even after gaining improved vision following the eye trade with Ryuk, Mikami still wears his glasses, perhaps as a force of habit.It is unclear whether he was born with emotional problems or if he was traumatized by events that transpired in his childhood. It is evident, though, that Mikami suffers from some sort of mental illness. This has resulted in him reciting "delete" (削除, sakujo) whenever he writes a name in his notebook. Although he presents himself as stoic for most of the series, he suddenly becomes crazed and unstable during the scenes in the Yellowbox Warehouse. Once he loses his faith in Kira, his madness escalates to fearful levels and he kills himself. Matsuda suspects, however, that Mikami's renunciation of Light as well as his death may have been a result of Near manipulating him with a page of the Death Note rather than a c onsequence of Mikami's deteriorating mental condition.

Tsukuru Mishima- Mishima is a skilled and dedicated investigator. He was recruited by Soichiro Yagami, and he becomes obsessed with his work with the Task Force, particularly in Light Yagami. Because of that, he sometimes is called "Death Note otaku."

Towards the end of the film, however, he is revealed to be the one acting as the new Kira. As Kira, Mishima is shown to be a man frustrated by the lack of justice in the world. Aspiring to surpass Light, Mishima becomes motivated to change the world by killing criminals and bringing about world peace through the notebook. However, after he is incarcerated by the police, he becomes remorseful. After Ryuzaki frees him from prison, Mishima becomes driven to redeem himself for his actions.

His real name is Ryo Nakagami.

Yuki Shien- Shien's family was murdered when he was young, but Shien survived the attack. Following his family's death, he was raised in an orphanage. Kira killed his family's murderer, and Shien became devoted to Kira. After Kira disappeared, Shien searched for him and became a cyber-terrorist to help the world.

DEATH NOTEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora