The Twilight...

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Chaitanya's POV:

I was really very happy that now I can drive my car and also can do my physios, the only thing I can't do is running like a mad tiger between the wickets, I miss touching my bat and I want to wear pads on my legs. I have never missed cricket like this in these years. It's been almost 8 months since I played on the ground, I started watching my own matches on TV. I've started losing my temper to an extreme level, I shouted at Rishu's face once and a few days back I just got mad at Ameeta, it was just a small issue. That day I felt so lonely no one is at home and this media initiated a new rumor about my health. I called Shreyas, he didn't pick my call. Then I called Ameeta I thought she could change my mood and calm me down, cos she has done this many times in recent days. Her weird smile sound and random stories bring me back and make me feel better yes, she became my best friend. But that day she didn't attend my calls, I would have called her at least 15 times, I can't keep my cool anymore I know she is in a special class in her college but I felt helpless. When she called me, I just yelled on her face like a mad beast I don't know what I spoke I was at a top of my anger, after that bust I came to a little normal state, it is my problem I shouldn't have yelled her like this. She didn't do anything wrong. I felt so bad then I took my phone to call her but she called me back omg I felt so guilty I feared a lot she was my first girl best friend. I can't lose a loyal friend like her I slowly picked up she said "don't dare to utter a single word just listen to me. I know you're worried about your cricket career but now keep calm your bad temper control can ruin your career. Just sit back on your couch and take a deep breath, you can 'begin again', you're capable". I did whatever she said and I don't know where my freaking anger went. I tried to tell her but she stopped me "you jerk don't dare to console me, get out of my shit". That's it she hung up the call. I felt so guilty but I loved the way she cared about me. Even though she is mad at me, she made sure that I am alright. I decided I shouldn't lose a friend like her in my life. That night I texted her but she didn't respond to me, but at the same time my ego stopped me to apologize to her, I thought she can't go anywhere so let her talk first. The next morning first thing that I did is I called her and apologized to her. I felt like I can't let her go like that.

Today Rishab planned for a special friend's day out but actually, that idiot wants to spend some time with Tanu and I also feel like spending some time with Ameeta because in 3 days she is going back to Chennai. I thought of giving a special token of love as a symbol of the beautiful friendship we share. So, I drove to the LV showroom in the mall, I was confused I have never bought anything for girls I was wandering in the girl's section a good-looking young woman walked towards me

Woman: How can I help you, Mr. Chaitanya.

Chaitanya: I need to buy a beautiful gift for my...

Woman: For your girlfriend?

Chaitanya: Yes, show something. Chaitanya's MV (Insta story works).

Woman: Sir, these are new arrivals.

Chaitanya: ohh let me see it, Thank you mam!

Woman: Sir shall I take a picture with you?

Chaitanya: of course, mam

I saw many bags, shoes, blazers, watches but one bracelet got my eye it is a set of two. For men, it is made with a silk black thread and for women, it is made of some kind of metal I don't know maybe silver or platinum, but it has a small lock on it with the LV logo on it. I bought one for me and one for her.

Then I drove to their college, Rishu and Tanu sat in the backseat and Ameeta sat next to me and beamed her smile on me that gives me tons of hope. We drove to the restaurant, we went to our reserved table, where there is no fear of paparazzi at all because this is a very restricted area only VVIPs are allowed here.

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