A Bouquet .....

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Ameeta and Tanu went to Rishab's house for his birthday party, where Ameeta and Chaitanya met for the first time. It seems like Chaitanya got more excited to meet Ameeta after Rishab told him about her. Chaitanya and Ameeta adored each other.

Ameeta's POV:

It was about 12 .40am so we called Cupy and wished him. The next morning, we both woke up early we didn't have college since it's a local holiday. So, we both decided to buy gifts for the birthday baby, we went to a mall. We bought a red color shirt from Peter England and 5 diary milk temptations rum and raisins chocolate, it is his favorite chocolate. Then we came to our room, Rishab called me and shared his plan and asked me to help him, I accepted it. Later we both got ready for the party, Tanu wore a yellow printed knee-length, off-shoulder dress. In that, she looked very gorgeous.

Tanu: hey babes, how is my dress?

Ameeta: omg Doremi, you're hot!

Tanu: shut up! You're making me feel shy yaar.

Ameeta: wait I am a girl what makes you shy then? lol!!!!

Tanu: very funny!! Now come we are getting late, the cab has arrived.

Ameeta: okay, come let's go

On the way to his home, I saw a bouquet shop, so I thought of buying a bouquet for Chaitanya. I asked our driver to stop there

Tanu: Why?

Ameeta: I am going to buy a bouquet.

Tanu: why? We have already bought enough gifts for your Cupy.

Ameeta: No, I am going to buy it for Chaitanya.

Tanu: wait, what? He must have more girlfriends at present, he is a sensation yaar.

Ameeta: hey shut your bloody mouth. I am a big fan of him, It will be a fangirl moment for me.

Tanu: ohh!! I thought that you're trying to flirt with him. hahaha!

Ameeta: Anyways this going to be one of the best days in life. Aww, can't wait.

I got down from the car and entered the shop, I choose the best bouquet in the shop. I was literally flying in happiness and I am nervous too. I was very clear that I shouldn't show that in front of him, even shouldn't talk to him like he was a celebrity. After buying the bouquet we drove to his house. It was one of the luxury apartments in the city, his flat was on the 15th floor I guess they bought two flats and reconstructed them into one big flat. It was so big. Is this a home or a freaking palace? They also have a small pool on their balcony near Chaitanya's room, yes I guessed because that was the first room which is on the left side of the entrance. We both sneak through the window and look at the trophies. He had the posters of Jon snow, Jonas brothers, and Beyoncé on one side of the wall. Then Rishab came and patted on our shoulders and took us to a mini party hall in his home we saw some of his friends there, then he introduced us to them I talked to them and even laughing at them but my little Doremi went to a corner and packed herself in a couch as she won't get along with guys easily. Especially she believed that rich boys are almost brats, she didn't even believe Rishab for few days. While talking to them Chaitanya came into my mind and immediately my eyes searched for him, I came out of that room in curiosity. I didn't saw the other side, I collided with Chaitanya he was coming from the left side where I didn't see, since he has a leg injury he was walking with the support of the wall, he lost his balance and almost fell down unknowing my hand went to his shoulder and helped him to get the balance, he looked at my eyes that's it, I was flattered by his one look. I smiled at him awkwardly and said sorry. He, being a gentleman forgave me and never created any scene. I handed him a bouquet which has a note 'Get well soon'.

Chaitanya: Thank you, that's so sweet of you. Mm... by the way what is your name?

Ameeta: Ameeta, sir.

Chaitanya: Ohh, nice I am Chaitanya

Ameeta: Sir you don't need any introductions, sir. The whole world knows you. I am your fan, sir.

Chaitanya: Ohh then you're giving this bouquet just because you're my fan. Am I correct?

Ameeta: No sir it's because you're Cu... ohh sorry Rishabh's family.

Chaitanya: Is it, then why are you calling me sir?

Ameeta: okay Chaitanya. Haha

I smiled at him and in return, he beamed his cute smile at me. Aww, he is so sweet but I shouldn't act like a fan I should talk to him like a friend.

Chaitanya's POV:

It was my baby brother's birthday I called my manager and asked him to send a cake. AT 12 AM I went to his room with the cake. He meant the world to me, since my childhood he was my only constant support. I loved him more than I love myself. After the cake cutting, we both sat on the balcony with our drinks just talking about the random shits, that time his phone rang I saw the caller ID it is Ameeta with a heart emoji. He immediately picked up and returned to his position after talking with her for 15 mins. I was staring at him he understood my stare and explained to me his feeling for Tanu. Then he also showed some photos of his new friend and his lady(future). Tanu looked beautiful at the same time she looked like a model. Ameeta looked like a normal Tamil girl with cute eyes. A typical girl next door, I sarcastically asked him 'that you would have chosen Ameeta instead of Tanu'. He said that 'Ameeta is my best friend and not my type, she is a kind of culture-based girl she is more like a big sister to me, she can get along with anyone in a second And she has compassion towards everyone and will support her loved ones. But Tanu is the exact opposite of her, she is a modern girl and thinks of herself as a superwoman but inside she is a kid, she fights with people for silly things, 'she is such a cutie pie'. He also added that he is going to confess it to her tomorrow. Later we both went to bed, the next day all his friends came and assembled in the hall. I was looking for his new friends, I was curious to see them. Then I went to my room since I have a zoom meeting with my team members there we discussed my health issues and my return to the team.

When I came back, I saw a girl in a red kurta and blue denim jeans she was talking to everyone happily and laughing like a child, her cheeks made her even more cuter. When I walked in,she was searching for someone and collided with me and I almost fell down but she helped me. Then she handed a bouquet to me. Even though I know her name I asked her. I don't want her to call me sir so, I insisted not to call me sir. Instantly she called my name, I was shocked. How can someone be like her......


Meet you all in the next over......

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