Chapter four

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The morning of her mother's funeral came too quickly. She was fixing her hair in the bathroom mirror and Eren came into her room.

"Hey it's time to go," he put a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded at him through the mirror, today was going to be a long day. Over the past week, Carla had gotten everything squared away, Mikasa has left the house and a small some of life insurance money. The money was used to cover the funeral costs, and to renovate the house to sell it.

Mikasa had moved most of her things into her room at the Yeager's house, she would be living with them until college started next year. It was a hassle to convince Carla that she would be ok to go back to school once it started. It was her last year and she didn't want to miss anything.

She met Armin at the cemetery, few people had known the Ackermans, so not many had come. Armin looked up at her and handed her some flowers.

Her mother's final resting place would be right next to her father's. At least they have each other now, she thought. She laid some flowers once they lowered her mother. The priest said a few words as Armin, Eren, and Mikasa threw some dirt in.

The weight of it all fell on her once she had set foot in her new room. She felt the need to vomit, all the emotions she could muster had come rushing like a freight train. She barely made it to the bathroom before her lunch was now in the toilet.

A shower should help, she turned it to the hottest temp. She felt maybe she could melt everything away. She scrubbed her body, but it began to feel like nothing was coming off. It was burning as she scrubbed over and over, her hands now had burn marks forming, she felt like this would somehow get rid of the emotions, make her a new person.

A knock was heard at the door.

"Hey Mikasa, mom wanted me to let you know dinner is ready," he stood at the door, steam was flooding from the cracks, "hey you've been in there a while are you ok," no answer was heard.

This caused him to panic as he opened the door and saw a sobbing Mikasa on the shower floor. The room was unbearable to be in, the heat and steam made his vision blurry. He did what he thought was correct and turned off the shower, careful not to look at Mikasa. She had her legs to her chest and her head buried in her knees as sobs racked her body. He grabbed a towel and tried to wrap her in it.

She slowly stopped sobbing and came to her senses, she let Eren help her out and she sat on the bed wrapped in a towel.

Eren's eyes got big when he saw her hands, they had welts forming. Her faced mirrored the look of serene.

"Mikasa, you have to be careful, you've burnt your hands, here" he handed her a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. He turned around to let her dress.

Once she was finished she tapped his shoulder.

"Thank you," her voice wobbled.

He looked down at her and engulfed her in a hug. Her damp hair stuck to his shirt, as he began to twist it around his fingers.

"Hey, I know today was a tough day, but you don't have to go through this alone," he sighed and rested his head on top of hers, "you have so many people who care about you, people who would be glad to share your burdens," his eyes stung at his own words.

Mikasa breathed in his scent, his mother had always used the same detergent, it smelled like rain. She felt herself become calmer, she did still have someone, she silently prayed that he would never leave her too. But like all things she thought that too good to be true.

He moved his hands from her hair, and now cupped her face, making her stare at him. "Please, don't do this alone, I'm right here ok," he shoved her face back into his chest.

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