Smiling, his eyes looked to him. "Don't blink.."

ANd with that, a big beam of lightning shot out of his fingers, charging straight towards kaeya at a fast pace. 

The bean was huge, not giving Kaeya enough time to charge.

Instead, diluc just sighed at the boy's silly actions, as he just simple grabbed Kaeya's neck collar, bolting for it as he jumped straight into the air, taking Kaeya with him. 

Grunting Scaramouche glared at them, his face turned angered, as he saw Diuc simply landing on the roof above, setting his brother onto his feet. 

'H-How?' the bluette thought, seeing Diluc's mouth form into another smirk. "You should really look up the word 'brother.' Scaramouche, did you think I'd let him die like this? Too a weakling like you??"

Diluc's comment made this man stiffen up like a twig, Signora laughing from behind him.

But, scaramouche just sighed. "Too bad you dodged it, because that was my powerful attack. No matter, I won't waist time on pests like you, let's see if you can make it to Miss Y/n on time before she get's an arrow through her heart, then we both will decide who's the weakling here, hehehe Chiao!" Growling, Diluc began to charge at him, his sword catching on fire. 

The boy just rolled his eyes, touching signora's shoulder as he used his powers to teleport both of them, leaving only Diluc and Kaeya to be there, with fear.

Landing onto his feet, the tender growled as Kaeya hopped down from the roof, running to him. 

Standing beside Diluc, Kaeya noticed how the two were gone, then sighed. "Damn it..." He mumbled, looking towards his brother. "He could be anywhere by now."

"Well we know where lady y/n is going, so let's head there, quickly." 

Nodding, both of them bolted out of that alleyway, leaving the aftermath of burnt grass and concrete.

Kaeya's eyebrows were furrowed, scared for you as Scaramouche's words might be true. 

They need to hurry.

Before they get to you first.

'Damn it, Lady Y/n you better be okay, because if your not then...'

Looking towards his brother, Diluc seemed to be worried too as the moonlight of Mondstadt shined upon him. 

'My promise to grand-master Liam will be broken....'



It was hell, literally. 

Bonstadt was completely falling apart as some of the houses were already torn or brunt to the ground. 

Many of the citizens bodies were eaten alive, their heads on Hilichurl weapons. Still, many people are fighting for their lives, as the others tried to get them all to safety. 

A women, who was trying to look for her son was weaping, worried that he already might be dead. 

Lumine, who just sliced the throat of a Benson guard noticed her not out of the gate, as she hurriedly ran to her aid. "ma'am, you need to flee, this town isn't safe-"

"I-I can't! My son! H-he's in that building!" She screamed, her hand shockingly pointing to a burning building in the distance. 

Her eyebrows furrowed while looking to Paimon, who then nodded. "Go get her son, I'll bring the lady out of the gates." 

"The Blessing of the land." Book One.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora