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Hello everyone!
I'm going to give you some more in depth information on what kind of things I am going to be doing in this book that that wasn't mentioned in the description.

1) Every board I post, I have made myself. The images used will be from google search, pinterest, and the internet in general.

2) If you wish to use an aesthetic board I have already made/posted for your book, please ask permission. If I say you can, please credit me when you do so.

3) If you request an aesthetic board in general, let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to get to them.
Some ideas you can base your request on:
• Colours
• Names (based on their meaning or what colour(s) you or I associate with it)
• Themes (animals, plants, superpowers, ect.)
• Time periods
• Mythology
• Book/ movie characters
If I don't know the character, mythology, or time period for example, I will do my best to do research on it.

4) If you want to make a personal request for a character in your book or just an aesthetic of the book theme/vibe, you can privately message me here on Wattpad.
If you do, please:
• Give some details about your character, personality and/or things they like to do for example
• What is the book about?
• What is the overall tone of the book
I may ask for more information if it isn't clear on what you are looking for.
I will probably do multiple versions of an aesthetic, so that way you can choose one. Email would probably be the best way of me getting it to you.

5) This is most important. Please be kind to everyone here, everyone has different things they find aesthetically pleasing. If I or someone else finds a board they think is pretty/cool and you don't, that's ok and please respect their likes.
If anyone is being discriminatory and rude in any way shape or form, I will block you. I don't want that kind of vibe here, this book is to be a happy place where I can post aesthetic boards for me and others to enjoy.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy this book - isadora222

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