Capital City

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   Cypher was way to noticeable. He had to cover himself somehow. Luckily it was dark. He stuck close to the walls. The walls around the city were a pain. He could definitely climb them with his strings but there were guards everywhere. How had Charlie managed to gather the support of all these guards so fast without anyone knowing?

   Actually that makes sense. Charlie had never been the most friendly of the Miraculous siblings. He was snappy and mean and he always seemed to be sneaking around alone. His behavior wasn't very princely. The Royal Guard had been corrupt for a long time anyway...

   Cypher hadn't really been around most of the Center. He had only ever seen Capital City. His family was often out in the Omniverse doing something else. 

   Speaking of the Omniverse, portals were still blocked. There was no way in or out of the Center. It had been night already when the coronation was happening. Somehow it felt like time had been halted all together but everyone inside this bubble was still moving. 

   Cypher winced as he ran into someone. No. He had been so careful. He couldn't get captured now. He poised on his toes ready to make a mad dash for the walls. 


   Cypher's shoulders relaxed. "Peter?"

   Cypher never called Peter his uncle. He and his sister aged differently from regular Watchers. When he was younger, and Peter still appeared older than him he had called him uncle, but when Cypher began to look older than Peter that was dropped. 

   "Oh thank the stars. Someone else got away." Peter grinned. His crown was missing from his head. Overall he looked very disheveled. 

   "Shh." Cypher hushed him and glanced around before ducking into an alley. "Neither of us are very ready for sneaking around like this." He motioned to Peter's bright orange shirt and fancy shoes. 

   "What do we do?" Peter asked the physically older one. Though Peter was years upon years older he had less experience. Cypher was used to missions, small ones, but still missions. Peter had lived in the castle his whole life. 

   "We have to get out of the city." Cypher huffed. "There are guards everywhere. Can you open a portal or a code panel?"

   Peter blinked and tried. No luck on the portal. He managed to get a code panel open. Everything was locked. The whole Omniverse appeared dark and desolate as if it was frozen. Or paused... Only the Center remained active in play mode. 

   "No good... Charlie has the whole Omniverse on pause..." Peter murmured. 

   Cypher hissed to himself. He might have been able to sneak through the gate alone but now he had Peter with him. Over the wall it is. "This way." He changed direction heading for the outer wall. 

   "What are you gonna do?" Peter asked. He knew everyone had been captured. He knew they were looking for him. "Everyone is captured... Matt... your dad. My siblings... mom..." He sucked in a sharp breath. "Dad is dead..."

   "I know... We have to get out though. We can worry about them later when we can find help okay?" Cypher gave a calming smile. He couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for Peter to watch his own brother kill his father right there... How Peter escaped he didn't know.

   Peter wiped his eyes. "Okay." He murmured. 



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