The Best Course

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   Cypher looked around the throne room. He was observing the changes. Besides the new ashen color scheme, there were other changes. The throne was huge with sharp lines carved into the metal. They might have been words at some point but it was too scuffed up to tell.

   The torches were new as well. They stayed perpetually lit and the smoke threatened to choke Cypher. Perhaps he could speak to Charlie about them. Then again they were probably half of the reason the castle was so dark. 

   Guards passed by now and again but Charlie was still off somewhere. He hadn't said where he was going. He just disappeared somewhere with no other word. Some King. This was supposed to be a partnership. Luckily none of the guards bothered Cypher. He seemed to be held in high regard. 

   "I have returned." 

   Cypher huffed and turned. "About time. I wanted to talk to you about just dissapea-" Cypher trailed off at the sight. 

   All the prisoners were here. His father. His papa. Rune. Matthieu. Taylor. Crayola. Fortune. The royal siblings. Charlene. The boys. Peter...

   "What is this?" Cypher shifted his gaze to Charlie. He barely managed to grit those words out. 

   They all seemed so thin. So worn out. 

   "Execution! All our enemies in one place." Charlie stepped foward and put an arm around Cyphers shoulder. "I'll let you pick who goes first." He snickered. "Who am I kidding? Its obviously your father. Daddy never loved you as much as your sister after all." He twirled in place. "I've dreamt of this moment."

   "Its true! You are working for him!" Rune glared right into his soul. 

   Karma gave a heartbreaking look. "Cypher... Why?"

   Peter couldn't even look at Cypher. 

   His father stayed staring at the ground the whole time. His shoulders were sagged. He made no move to look up and see his disappointment of a son.

   Charlie released Cypher. He had been talking. What did he say? Cypher wasn't paying attention. "Well. I best get to it! No use in dragging it out anymore."

   This wasn't the plan. He was supposed to gain Charlie's trust and then sneak to the dungeon to let them out! That was the best course he saw when he was alone with Charlie... 

   Cypher wasn't good at improvising. He always sought out the best course of action and tried to stick to that. He couldn't do that here. He had to do something. If not... His father would end up like the King. Like that guard. 

   Cypher tugged at his strings and launched himself. He pulled the crown away from Charlie's head and tossed it to the ground. 

   Charlie was stunned momentarily. His face turned from one of glee to one of fury. "You! I should have known! Once a disappointment, always a disappointment!" He flexed his fingers.

   Searing pain shot up Cyphers legs. He looked down and watched the black vines creep up his legs. So this is it. This is how he ends. He expected it to be quicker but it felt like almost slow motion. He wouldn't scream. He'd never give Charlie that satisfaction. 

   His vision blurred and suddenly the floor was hurtling closer. The thud didn't hurt. The edges of his vision faded to black as the vines raced down his arms and up his chest. 

   The castle bursted into white. The smoke smell disappeared. Charlie stumbled out of Cypher's vision and then everything was black. 

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