𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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Shinichi was being late for the meeting he had promised with Kaito on purpose. He refused to let the alpha have an easy time while dealing with him because, after what he had gone through on his own during his six-month pregnancy, he deserves a little torture. Oh, don't misunderstand him. This is just the very beginning of everything.

His child seemed to be agreeing with him as he felt the soft flutter against the skin of his tummy and his lips curved up into a smile. He gently rubbed the spot he felt the caress. "You agree with me too huh, little one? He deserves some suffering after what he put us through huh?" he cooed softly and his baby moved as if to answer his coo.

Well, time to dress up then.

Shinichi took his sweet time to pick his outfit. He made sure to choose the baggiest sweatshirt he had so that it would conceal his bump. Somehow, he refused to let the world know about his baby. He wanted it to be the little secret he shares only with his family and friends. After seeing all the horrors in this world, he wanted nothing but to shut himself in his house, curling in the nest he had built perfectly for himself and his child. The omega inside him nearly growled at the thought of how unsafe the outside world is for his child to live in.

The soft ting! From his phone shook him out of his wandering mind. He picked his phone up and saw the message from Ran.

Are you sure u don't want me to come along? Like, perfectly sure? I mean, I'm free right now, just in case u didn't know.


The message said. Shinichi huffed a laugh and typed back a reply. Honestly, his friends are such worrywarts. Though, he was grateful to have them, not that he would say it to their face of course.

No, I'm perfectly capable of going there myself. U don't need to be so worried Ran. The worse is that I might pour a cup of coffee on him. What's new?


The reply to his message came faster that he did not have time to slip on his maternity pants yet. He opened the message.

I really want to see that. Expect me to be there. I want to record everything.


Damn the sadistic side of his childhood friend, Shinichi shuddered. Ran used to be a soft alpha, an alpha that every omega wishes to be a mate with. Her gentle nature hides a pure strength behind it, Shinichi never felt much safer being her friend. If her fist alone is enough to crack concretes, he could not imagine what she could do if someone offends her. Then, everything changed after he introduced her to Haibara, the little devil made purely from hell. The scientist slash doctor had awakened his best friend's sadistic side she had hidden for so long, apparently! The two of them fit seamlessly after having a mutual understanding regarding whatever it is. Now they were inseparable, two peas of a pod, bird of a feather or whatever.

Ignoring his previous thought, he continued dressing up. Winter is coming, along his sensitivity towards cold weather had increased tenfold during his pregnancy, he threw several layers of cloth onto himself to keep warm. He then moved to the big mirror, watching his reflection displayed on it. He looks mostly fine, if not a little chubby now that Ran and Haibara had been forcing him to eat more than necessary. Even with the extra fat on his cheeks, his pregnancy had given him some kind of glow that his face looks softer, more – ehem! – prettier than how he was before. He chuckled, amused with his own train of thoughts.

It helped him with his nerves if he was being honest. He might look calm on the exterior but his insides were churning like crazy at the thought of seeing the alpha again. It had been almost a year since the incident and Shinichi had made an amend to himself that he probably had to raise the child and spend the rest of his life alone. After all, who in their right mind would want a marked omega? He was a secondhand good. All alpha would want an omega to be marked as their own. Though, he could not help his curiosity. What does Kaito want? After leaving him to his own misery for so long, why now? Why did the alpha take so long to contact him? Shinichi wondered what could possibly possess the magician to suddenly contact him out of nowhere.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 (𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗)Where stories live. Discover now