Prince for a Day

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Characters: Swaine, Marcassin.

Ship: None.

AU: None.

Spoilers: If you haven't gone past Hamelin...don't read this?


Swaine-or Gascon, as practicality everyone in the palace liked to call him that-snuck into the throne room. His brother was out attending a meeting in Perdida, so he figured he could use this time to his advantage.

"Prince Gascon? What are you doing in the throne room?"

Crap, he was caught. He forgot about the guards and servants wandering around. He's been away for too long.

"Marcassin said I could handle the kingdom while he was out."

The servant raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's exactly what he said?"

"Yes, absolutely." Not the best lie-or half lie-he's had, but he'll have to work with it. Marcassin did tell him to do something, but it wasn't that.

"...I'll have to ask the guards if they have received such information." She turned to leave.

"W-wait! I already did that, and they confirmed it!"

'Way to dig a deeper hole for yourself, you idiot.'

"All right then." She left him alone.

Yes! Now then, what should his first order of business be? How about...doing everything Marcassin wouldn't do?

Today was going to be fun.


Marcassin headed into Hamelin, happy that the meeting had gone well. Something seemed off however. Had there been another royal procession or something?

He was even more confused when he didn't see any guards outside the palace like usual. What on earth happened? Have they been attacked by a new threat? Where the guards elsewhere?

He entered the palace and didn't see any guards nor servants there either.

'What is the meaning of this?!' There must be guards protecting the palace at all times! Not...whatever they're doing! His confusion turned to anger as he searched the palace for any sign of life.

He heard something-laughter?-from the throne room and went to investigate. He opened the doors a bit and looked through the crack.

"This was a great idea Gascon! Letting us all have the day off like this."

"Of course it was, you lot deserve a break. Is my brother overworking you all again?"

"Certainly not. I give them quite a lot of vocation time a year."

Swaine's eyes widened when he saw his brother standing in the doorway.


He is so dead.

(I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. :)

I'm gonna add more to the guards and Swaine talking later. I didn't know how to extend it-

Anyway, see you guys next time!)

Written on: May 16, 2021

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