Characters React: You getting arrested (Requested)

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Depending on what you did, he'll be very disappointed in you.

He'd still find a way to break you out though, because he doesn't know about bails-


She'd be even more disappointed than Oliver if that was possible.

Pays for you to be released like a smart person.


Honestly he'd probably be in there with you lmao.

If he isn't though, he wouldn't know whether to be proud of you or hate himself for his bad influence.

If you don't want to wait for Marcassin, he'll pick the lock.


...Honestly he's used to Swaine being in trouble, so this isn't very shocking for him.

Until he found out that you were arrested.

Pays for your bail and waits for you to be released while muttering things like "what has my brother taught you" ect.


Same as Swaine tbh, he's more disappointed though.

Brags to the fairies at home that he saved you from certain death or something, so I guess he's not that mad at you.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 30 ⏰

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