Chapter 10

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Our security camera sounded and I saw our big brown bag of takeout sitting by the door. They know to just leave it there and walk away. Damian went down stairs to get it for us. We decided t just eat it in his room just in case everyone stats to come back. We were obviously the type of people who preferred not being bothered.

Damian has this desk in his room made of a dark wood, I think mahogany. He has placed near the window so he may sit on the side next to window and there's a space opposite, facing the window which where I usually sit. I set up all the food on the desk for us. There was rice, a chicken option, a beef option, some veggies, noodles, and our favorites. The dumplings. We have to get two orders because they are our favorite and we're not very good at sharing.

Titus laid next to my feet which was weird because usually when we eat he lays his bed that Damian got him. I couldn't but look at him as he lay there almost protectively. What has gotten into the dog? I know he's pretty protective usually but lately he's been extremely close and protective to me.

"Damian?" I ask in between bites. He looks up with his mouth full of food and hums for me to speak. "What's going on with Titus?" Titus looked up hearing his name.

"I don't know." Damian said like that was all he could say, then he shoveled more food into his mouth and I couldn't but laugh at how chubby his cheeks looked. "Don't laugh." He said after swallowing. "I'm just really hungry. You would be too if you trained as much as I did. Speaking of which we start at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow." I groaned. 

I was good on my feet and I was good at fighting, but I suppose I can always get better. Plus my magic is running low it feels like so I need to know how to defend myself better in hand to hand combat. Better safe than sorry. 

I could hear Trigon laughing at me. I hate that he can hear the majority of my thoughts. 'Oh daughter you will not be able to hold your own and the love you have for that boy will weaken you,' he said. Him talking to me causes me to have a massive headache. I was clutching at my head, I couldn't try to hide it from Damian.

"Raven what's wrong?" He asked already on the other side of the desk. He stood squating down next to me on my right with his hand on my thigh. I couldn't even focus on the tingling sensation it gave me because my head was hurting too much. Titus was up on my left looking concerned for me too. He started growling when Trigon started talking to me again.

'You weaken more and more everyday and I will escape.' He said. Titus knew it was my father, he could sense it that's why he's growling and that's why he's been so close to me lately. He's been trying to look out for me.

"Titus stop growling at Raven." I heard Damian say. Titus obeyed and sat down. "Raven, what is it?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"It's my father," was all I could get out.

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