The Tendo's!/Akane's Family!

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As you walk out of Funikran High after very stressful and dumb day. You se, you decided to stick around, in order to make sure that Akane and Ranma could survive both Kuno, and his insane father. 

(Y/N): My God, I swear that dumbass Principal haunts me. 

You can hear Principal Kuno laughing in your mind. 

Principal Kuno (in your Mind): Oh come on Mon! You know you love my soothing voice! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 


???: (Y/N). I thought I heard you from somewhere. 

A very familiar face pops up. 

Nabiki Tendo (Akane's Older Sister! Loves scamming people!) 

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Nabiki Tendo (Akane's Older Sister! Loves scamming people!) 

(Y/N): Nabiki. Look, if you really want to bug me out of my money, I'm not going to fall for that shit. So, you can take back what you're about to say, because it won't work on me. 

The younger Tendo sister begins to eye twitch. 

Nabiki: Ugh, he's gotten smarter. Now how am I going to get something out of him? Well ..... maybe I can get him  ...... to ..... WAIT, WOULD I ACTUALLY GO THROUGH THAT?! DON'T TELL ME I WANT TO! AAAAGH! Well, why don't you come back to the Tendo Dojo? You know, Akane's been talking about you a lot. 

(Y/N): Tell me something I don't know. Do you also know about the fact that Ranma hasn't been able to turn back to normal? 

Nabiki: Oh yeah. Of course I do. Mr. Saotome is not happy. 

(Y/N): Yeah. Ranma told me everything. That dumbass dad of his made a promise to his wife that if Ranma didn't return a man, then they would have to commit traditional seppuku. Ugh!

Nabiki: Well ... what do you say? Shall we? 

(Y/N): Sure. I guess it's been a long time since the last time I saw you guys. You know, you got cuter, just like Akane did! 

Nabiki blushes. 

Nabiki: Are you flirting with me? Because it's going to cost you if- 

You just look away from the swindler. 

Nabiki: (sigh) Alright, I won't charge you anything, if you go out on a date with me. 

(Y/N): I swear, you're unbearable! 

Eventually ... 


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