Ranma Saotome!/The Boy Cursed into a Girl!

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You sit comfortably in your house, and are sipping some nice green tea. 

(Y/N): Man, how long has it been since I last came to Nerima? It seems as if my time here was ........ interesting, and fun to say the least. 

Right now you were expecting a visit from an old friend you had made while going around the world on a training adventure. 

(Y/N): When is Ranma going to arrive? I swear, if he keeps me waiting, I don't know what I'm going to do to him. Oh, wait! I know what I'm going to do to him! I'm going to sock him in the face, and throw him out the window. No, that would be too extreme. 

Just as you finish that statement, you notice that some of the house is looking dusty, due to the fact that you really haven't found the time to clean anything up due to some events. 


You rush around the house, and begin dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning every single area of the house in order to make sure that the place is clean. 

(Y/N): Okay, there, that should be fine. 

Then the doorbell rings. 


You rush over, and open the door to see not Ranma Saotome, but a girl who has a similar hairstyle of the young martial artist, and similar clothes ......... and also a very similar face to Ranma. Though, even if this person could be related to Ranma, you knew that something was very very off. I mean, Ranma never had a chest that big, and for certain not eyes this cute. Was this Ranma?! 

 Was this Ranma?! 

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(Y/N): Uh ........ hello? 

Girl: Hi (Y/N), this isn't what it looks like. 

(Y/N): Wait ......... don't tell me. Ranma?! RANMA SAOTOME?! IS THAT REALLY YOU?! 


(Y/N): That attitude, yeah, you're Ranma. What happened to you? Wait ..... where's your Dad? 

Ranma: Well ........ he's at the Tendo Dojo. 

(Y/N): Tendo Dojo. Wait a second, that's where Akane and her family live. What are you and Mr. Saotome doing- 

Ranma: Can we just discuss this? I've had a big enough day as it is. 

(Y/N): Well, let's talk. 

Soon .... 

Ranma was scarfing on a rice bowl, and drinking a cup of tea as you sat and listened. 

Ranma: Basically, my Pop and I, we were training in Jusenkyo, China. 

(Y/N): Isn't that the place where they have the "cursed springs?" 

Ranma: Yeah. And I knocked him into a "Spring of Drowned Panda." 

Harem 1/2 (Male Reader X Ranma 1/2 Harem!)Where stories live. Discover now