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Y/N: Whatever you prefer!

Hermione: sooo I FULLY support a black, trans mtf, Hermione so that's what Hermione is going to be! She has really bushy dark brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes.

Harry: Unruly black hair, bright green eyes like his mother, kinda short but also lanky at the same time, sorta an olive skin color

Ron: VERY freckle-y, bright red hair like all the Weasleys, sky blue eyes, SUPER tall like said below, pretty pale so he blushes pretty easily

Draco: White-blond hair, grey/silver eyes, pale pointed face, 

That's all I'm gonna do for now, although I might add more in the future if I feel like it (:

Heights (these are mostly from Reddit I think although I did come up with a few of the heights myself) : 

Hermione: 5'6

 Harry: 5'8

Draco: 5'9

Ron about: 6'2

twins: 5'11

Ginny: 5'3

Luna: 5'5

Charlie: 5'9

James: 6 foot

Sirius: 5'10

Remus: 6'1

Lily: 5'4

. . .and the reader/ Y/N is 5'8

Please let me know if you have other ideas on the characters' heights although I do think that these heights fit their personalities and the descriptions given in the book- I am NOT going off of the actors' heights because I don't really agree with some of the casting choices lol.


Y/N - Bisexual/lesbian (feel free to be non binary or trans although I do use she/her pronouns for Y/N in this story)

Hermione - biromantic and demisexual, along with trans mtf

Harry - I have literally no idea, maybe bi cause Draco (;

Ron - straight

Luna Lovegood - Pansexual and non binary

Ginny - Omnisexual although she prefers girls and feminine enbies (she is too afraid to come out to her family)

Draco - Demisexual

Dumbledore - J.K. said he's gay but I personally think that he is now asexual now that Grindlewald is gone.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix rewrite - Y/N Fawley | hermionexreaderWhere stories live. Discover now