I pat her head in reflex while smiling at her cute self. The characters in this book don't live up to their description. They truly are better-looking. I recalled when I looked at myself in the mirror after getting ready. Over a plain white frock, I wore a gorgeous blue gown that matched the colour of my eyes. The gown was connected to from one side to another through cross strings, and it went down till my ankles in an elegant fall. Part of my hair were braided and pinned back in a crown while the rest of my long silver-white hair fell on my back. With matching shoes and classic jewellery that I selected, I had to admit that I did look attractive.

"How are you now?"

Thalia's words brought me back from my thoughts as I realised that I was still patting her even though she had long stopped hugging me. Retracting my hand back, I tried to think of what Rhea used to call her sister. It wasn't Thalia as far as I remember. She had another nickname for her. What was it? L...something...ah! Lia! Yes, everyone else used to address her as Lia.

"I am fine, Lia. How are you?"

"I'm good."

She grinned. Aww...her smile is so adorable. Were kids always this cute or is this one a special case? Well, I can't really say since this is the world of a book. Ha...I never thought I would ever think those words to myself, and they would be true.

"Rhea dear, you didn't come for breakfast, so we were worried. Are you feeling better now?"

"Very well, mother. Thank you for worrying."

At my words everyone's eyes went round. Did I say something wrong? Was I not supposed to say this? How did Rhea use to talk? Don't they typically call their parents like mother or father in such type of novels?

"Mother? Rhea....my daughter...did I do something to trouble you? Are you furious about something? Tell me what happened."

That's when it strikes me. Rhea only called her mother, mother, when she was sorrowful or frantic. In normal days, she would call her 'mama' and her father 'papa'.

"No, that's not it, mama. It was a slip of the tongue. Sorry for troubling you."

"Oh...if you say so, then it's fine. Come then, sit here."

She motioned next to her, a seat between Thalia and her.

After sitting, my mother didn't look too happy. She would smile ever so often, but I could tell something was bothering her.

"Is something the matter, mama?"

"Oh...It's nothing. Im just worried about your father."

"He still hasn't come back yet?"

"Im afraid he will be late today."

"Don't worry, I am confident he will find some solution. Get money from somewhere else and then pay them back later."

"That would be getting more into debt. And we can't bear that yet. Besides, that guy..."

I detected the spite in her words when she dared not to mention the man's name. But I perceived who she was referring to. She was talking about the guy who gave the Count a lot of loans and invested in his business. But soon after the business went bankrupt and now he is asking for his money back. It's either the money or...me as in hand for marriage. Rhea's parents are incredibly kind to not allow her get married to such an evil guy. On top of it, he is also already married and way above her age.

"That guy...because of his influence, no one else would dare to supply us with money or support us. We are stuck."

"I am certain we will figure out a way. Let's not be overly pessimistic."

"I am sorry my dear, but this time we really are stuck."

"....Mama...Please answer honestly, why did papa's business go suddenly bankrupt? It was at the top but after that guy invested, everything went into loss. Do you know the reason?"

"I am not quite sure. That's what we are also confused about. No one knows what happened. But it all happened so quickly..."

I was about to speak when Olivia came rushing with a pale face and trembling hands. She was panting due to all the running but did not stop to take a breathe and started speaking in between breaths,

"Madam!...Madam!...He's here...he...is.....here..."

"Relax Olivia...who is here?"

We all got up reflexively, worried about who was she talking about.

"It's...Ryker Cash...He is here with his men."

Our eyes go wide upon the familiar name that had disturbed our household peace. The guy who lent money to the Count and was now terrorising us repeatedly even though it hasn't been a month since he lent us money and the business went downhill. But he was still in haste on getting his money back. I perceived why he was here. I read this in the book. This very day he will propose to me and will even injure my maids in anger. In the novel, Rhea only says a short no and stays quiet. But not me. I am not her. If he is over here for his money, then he will get his money. I will make sure of that, without any of us getting hurt.

And that's it for the second chapter! I know I admit I did nit upload for a long loonggggg time. Sorry. I got busy with uni and was also not feeling so well. But I'm back now and I'll try to update more regularly. Can you guess what will happen next in the story? Comment down below 👇🏻 and thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed and please do read the next chapter when it's out. ❤️❤️❤️

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