1. I should have never left

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"Honey, come downstairs, help me fix the tree." My mom yelled from downstairs. "I can't do it on my own darling."

"Coming!" I yelled back, quickly putting my book down. I was halfway through Harry Potter and the deathly hallows and it was now the fifth time my mom had interrupted me and asked for help. Sometimes I think I got my clumsiness from my mom. Once I was walking down my hallway and me being the klutz I was, i tripped over the air and landed right on my face. Worst part was, my crush had been over so I could help him improve his english grade up but the only thing I improved was how embarrassed and stupid I had been.

Getting up as quickly as possible I wore my bunny slippers and left my room. "I'm on my way."

I ran downstairs and just as I entered the living room I burst into a fit of laughter. There in front of me lay my mom on the floor tangled in silver tinsel; her face had gone bright red and she looked exhausted as if she had been trying since the morning to get out but as you could tell she had obviously failed. Lets just say she does not have the best of luck when it comes to decorating stuff and that's why it's left to me. That and my dad just doesn't know how to decorate and my mom just getting trapped in whatever she is doing.

"Mom your so clumsy, its so unbelievable." I commented. "You should have yelled someone along the lines of honey, come downstairs, help me get out of this tinsel."

My mom clearly did not find it funny as she looked at me with a blank look across her face and shook her head in disapproval ... well she tried to anyways.

"Shush, OK. I get it, stupid mom mistake." My mom quickly blabbered and blushed slightly.

I grabbed both my mom's hands and with all my strength helped her stand back on her two legs. She may have the figure of a supermodel but she sure seemed to weigh more than a damn elephant.

It took me forever to get the tinsel off my mom since she was acting like a child and would not stop moving. One second she shaking her bum to get the tinsel off and the next she's moaning that she's dying because I'm not helping her fast enough ... I never knew people could be so over dramatic.

After what seemed like an eternity fly by, I successfully managed to get all the tinsel off my mum and wrapped around the bottom of the tree instead. However, my mom thought it would be funny if we did it to my dad so she began to plot her 'evil' plan.

"Anyways, since we have a new family in our neighbourhood, I want you to go welcome them." My mom suggested while she put an angel on the christmas tree. "We want to seem friendly and very polite."

"Ha, funny." I scoffed but my mom just glared at me once again shaking her head at me.

"Ignoring that." My mom got back to decorating the tree.

"Mom, we need to give them a present you know, we can't go empty handed." I stated trying to start up a conversation while at the same time I put my side fringe behind my right ear.

"There's a gift basket on the counter upstairs and you're going, not me." She said giving me an evil grin. "I'm surprised you didn't see on your way downstairs. I mean honey, it's not hard to miss."

"Firstly, I thought someone was trying to murder you so I ran as fast as possible. Secondly mom, there could be kidnappers and rapists out there! I do not want my virginity to be taken away by a stranger but my first love." I pleaded. "And you expect me you'll be fine fixing our Christmas tree all by yourself . . . without getting tangled again?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

"Your dad's going to be home pretty soon and he'll be more than happy to help me out. Honey, it's six in the afternoon, nothing's going to happen to you, plus you have your phone. No idiot would rape you if they know who your mother is because I will whoop their ass so badly that they will cut their dangly bits off themselves." She teased squeezing my cheeks. "Call me if a rapist does come though I need to show my daughter I have her back."

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