"Take your time," Amaya says, crossing over and entering the counter. "I'll help Norma."

"Such a sweet girl," Norma compliments, pinching Amaya's cheeks and making her giggle.


"Carter, can you help me put this on the top?" Amaya calls me from the hall.

She has been decorating the tree for the past hour while I am putting the lights around our apartment.

The weather outside is getting wilder with each minute and we decided to finish with the decorations before the storm cuts out the power supply.

"Gimme a minute, honey," I say as I finish putting the last of the fairy lights on the balcony, admiring the end result.

Our apartment is a small one, right across from the campus. It is a one-bedroom, hall, and kitchen, enough for the two of us. Living together was a huge decision and even though Aunt Melody and Victoria were both hesitant to help us with our search, after much persuasion from us, they agreed.

As I walk back to the hall, I find Amaya standing beside the giant Christmas tree she picked up and which we had a hard time carrying to the house. She has a frown on her face as she looks at me and that makes me chuckle.

She is wearing an oversized sweater and looking as cute as always with her hair tied up in a bun on the top of her head.

"Told you we should have gotten a smaller one," I comment as I come to stand beside her and look at the tree.

It is even taller than me.

"But this was the prettiest one!" Amaya defends herself as she puts the star on my hand. "You're lucky to put it there, Mr. Unfairly Tall."

I hold back a laugh as I look at her. She has her upset expression on and has her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sorry, honey," I say, putting the star back on her hand and moving my hands to her waist.

She gasps as I pick her up so that she reaches the top of the tree. She looks down at me with a bright grin on her lips.

"I knew there's a reason I love you, Carter Bell." She nods approvingly as she puts the star above the tree, smiling like a child who has just come to know about Santa.

I watch her with a flicker of amusement in me. Sometimes, I am surprised to find her still here, with someone like me.

I put her down but do not let go of her waist. Pressing our foreheads together, I look into her eyes. "You're going to be my wife someday, snippy. I might as well learn to keep you happy."

She blushes shyly and circles her arms around my neck, getting up to her toes and pressing a hard kiss on my lips.

"I would love to be your wife, Carter Bell. But I would very much like a proper proposal too and a ring. I always dreamed of wearing one."

"Your mother will kill me if I propose now," I whisper into her ear, burying my face within the crook of her neck. "I don't think that's fair unless you want me to kidnap you from under her nose and get married right now."

"I think I like the sound of that very much, Bell," she says as she cups my face and kisses me again.


Two hours later, we end up on the couch with a random Hallmark Christmas movie playing on the TV Screen. Amaya has her head on my shoulder and her legs on my lap while I play with her hair. She seems to be quite focused on the movie, crying and laughing with every passing scene.

As for me, I am more interested in the way she accidentally ends up brushing her feet against my inner thigh, making me yearn for the movie to end as soon as possible.

"He's such a sweet person," she coos as she watches the hero kiss the heroine under the mistletoe in the climax. "Their love story is so sweet."

The end credits roll and I sigh in relief. I see her reaching for the remote and know instantly that she plans to start another. I yank her to me before she can reach the remote. She is taken aback for a second when I peck her lips but starts kissing me back instantly. She puts her hands on my shoulders and I lean forward until my weight makes her lie down on the couch.

"Carter," she says as she touches my cheek, letting her legs wrap themselves around my waist. "Another movie...please?"

"Not when you're teasing me like this," I murmur between our kisses. "The whole movie was torture."

"What did I do?" she asks innocently and I quickly pull back a little.

"You've no idea where your legs were, do you?"

She doesn't say anything but bites her lip, hiding a cunning smile that doesn't go unnoticed by me.

"I was testing your patience," she admits and I grab her wrists, making her shriek as I pin them over her head while moving my hips against hers.

"Well, how did I do?" I place a kiss on her neck, inhaling the scent of her orange soap.

"You get an A."

"Let's see if I can get an A+ after we're done here, darling."

Sliding a hand underneath her sweater earns me a moan from her lips which I capture with mine.

The snowstorm outside makes the room cold but with each brush of our skin, Amaya burns like fire. In the next few moments, our clothes are discarded on the floor as we move together in rhythm, away from the world and lost in bliss. The storm outside picks more speed.


"Are you happy, snippy?" I question, tapping Amaya's temple softly, as we lie on the couch with her head on my bare chest, her finger drawing patterns. "In here, with me?"

"There's nowhere else I would rather be," she answers, tilting her head to look at me. "Why?"

"Nothing." I lift myself on an elbow to look at her properly. "It's hard to believe that we're still together. There are days when I fear that I would lose you at any moment - that you will decide to leave my worthless self behind."

"Carter, no." She places a finger over my lips. "You're not worthless. Don't you dare say such things...that too on Christmas Eve."

"I'm sorry, love." I kiss her cheek. "It's just hard to think of someone like you with someone like me. Do you ever regret it?"

"Regret what?" She pulls my face closer to hers. "Your handsome face." She kisses the bridge of my nose. "Your beautiful heart." She kisses my chin. "Your responsible nature and the way you take care of me." She touches her lips to my forehead, showering me with soft kisses. "And not to forget the incredible sex," she smirks, pecking my lips and I crack up at the last part.

"You're right," I chuckle, sliding a hand up her thigh and touching her between her legs. She is startled when I slip a finger in but adjusts quickly. "The sex is indeed good."

"Shut up and kiss me," she commands and I oblige, sealing our lips together again.

The old Grandfather clock on the wall chimes suddenly, making us aware that it is finally twelve.

"Merry Christmas, Carter," Amaya wishes me before starting to slide her hands down my body. "Thank you for being my safe place."

"Merry Christmas, darling," I wish her back, moving my mouth wildly against hers.

You are my safe place too, snippy.

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