Chapter 5

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Lilith walked into the common room with her new robes and cape, and her prefect brooch was pinned to it. Eden was sitting on one of the chairs, his nose buried in a book. He hadn't noticed Lilith entering, so she took the chance to slip into the staircase leading to the girls' dorms. She walked into her dorm only to find her roommate, Melea Amberflayer, sitting at her desk, her quill busy as usual.

Melea envisioned herself as a successful author, and currently, she had busied herself in writing tidbits which she planned to put in a future story. An array of papers containing scratches, cross marks, hasty writing filled her table and some even sprawled on the floor. Lilith didn't wish to disturb her while she was working, that is until she gave an exasperated groan and held her head in her hands. She crumpled up the paper and threw it down on the floor and put her head on the table.

Lilith looked at her and blinked. "Melea....are you ok?" She asked with concern. "Don't overwork yourself-"

"I can't sleep! Not until I figure this out!" She said roughly and pulled at her hair. "This is bothering me to my day's end and I don't know where it's headed."

"You have never even told me what you are trying to write."

"I have not....because I myself do not know. But what I know is that I am writing a book I would like to read." She said with a sigh. "But I do not think I am capable of that." She said resting her head once again in her hands.

"Don't doubt yourself'll figure it out." Lilith said as she took off her cape and placed it on her bed. "Besides, there's a writing competition soon anyway.....our weekly event."

"I...I know but there are a lot of good writers here. What if I just don't make it, what if I don't get to be part of the writer's group, what if-"

"But Mel what if you win?" Lilith interrupted her. "What if you do make it? Why not try? If you don't get it this time, the world isn't ending. Know this Mel, as long as you suppress yourself with crippling self doubt you'll never be able to know what you are capable of. And I know, you are much better than many out just need to try." Lilith looked at the girl in front of her who was looking down at the sprawled notes on the floor. She seemed deep in thought.

"Well....if you say so...." Melea said turning to her papers and picked up her quill. She dipped her quill in her ink pot and the room was again filled with the usual rustle of paper and scratching of quill. Lilith walked out of the dorm and closed the door softly behind her, to let Melea work in peace. She hopped down the stairs and into the common room. Eden was still sitting in the same spot, his face hidden behind the book with a leather cover and the title embossed in gold.

Another prefect was sitting nearby, browsing over the itinerary of events to be held at the Twelve Years. Lilith sat down beside her and peeked into the list. The list was long....and important events were ticked off in green ink and the list itself was written in a very fancy, curly flourish. It had a stamp and a signature at the very end: The seal of the Steward. The seal in itself was very peculiar, it had a Agapanthus surrounded by a dotted circle. It was not the royal seal, for it was much talk that the Steward was forbidden to use the royal one and had caused a ruckus. 

"The Crystal Ball is what most people look forward to." The prefect said suddenly. Lilith looked at her as she continued speaking.

"It is beautiful, or so I have heard from my mother. The Hall is decked in shimmering chandeliers throwing brilliant white light, a swift waltz accompanied by melodious music, students can get selected as musicians too....Who are you planning to dance with?" She asked suddenly.

"I rather be the musician then." Lilith said without a second thought as the prefect blinked in surprise. She scrutinized Lilith as she got up from the couch and marched up to Eden. The prefect shook her head.

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