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Tom was tired. He had been awake since four in the morning and his schedule was pretty busy today. He was at the studio shooting his next film.

He loved his job as an actor, being able to slip into the shoes of so many characters was fun for him. But there were also the downsides. Every morning he had to leave home at 3am so he could be at the studio on time. In the evenings he would come home late, most of the time he didn't even come home, he would sleep in a hotel for a few hours before he left. He rarely saw you even though you had been married for 5 years.

Despite the distance, you were very understanding. You yourself had a job that took up a lot of your time and you knew Tom was passionate about what he was doing. You understood his absence and you never complained about it, even if you missed your husband sometimes.

You looked forward to him at home on his days off with a good home-cooked meal. You never asked any questions about the filming, knowing that everything had to remain a secret until the day the film was released. And you never went to see him on the set either, not wanting to disturb him in his work.

However, today was an exception. As Tom was finishing a scene, the director shouted "cut" and the silence was replaced by the ambient noise backstage. As he walked to his chair to drink some water, the director came over to him for a chat.

"It was perfect Tom, let's just do it once more." he said. "Try to add a little more emotion towards the end."

"Excuse me, Mr. Hiddleston?"

Tom turned around when he heard his name. It was a stage assistant. He approached him timidly and looked at the director hesitantly.

"Yes?" Tom asked.

"Excuse me, sir, but your wife is here."

"Y/N?" Asked Tom surprised.

But before the assistant could answer, Tom saw you in the distance through a doorway. His heart stopped when he saw you, his arms crossed over your chest in a protective manner and tears running freely down your cheeks. Something was wrong.

He moved quickly towards you, his mind too focused on why you were there to apologize to the director who was talking to him.

His heart broke when he finally approached you. Your eyes were red and filled with tears, you were shaking violently.

"Y/N?" he asked, immediately wrapping his arms around you.

"Tom." You cried against him, letting him hug you. "I'm sorry I came, I didn't want to disturb you."

"No, no. Y/N, tell me what's going on."

"It's my dad."

At your answer, Tom fears the worst. Your father had Alzheimer's and since your mother died he had been living alone. He refused to be helped or even to go to an old people's home. But dementia was taking more and more ground, making daily life difficult and sometimes dangerous.

"What happened to him?"

"He fell down the stairs. He broke his wrist, he is in hospital."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Is he all right?"

You walked a little away to look him in the eye, wiping away your tears. It felt good to have him near you, he had a soothing effect.

"He was taken care of quickly, he is on medication for the pain, but he refuses to see that it is dangerous for him to live alone."

"You know it is not easy for him, he is slowly losing his memory, it is difficult for him to accept, but give him time. He will understand." Assured Tom.

A moment of silence passed between you, where you let Tom simply hold you in his arms and reassure you with his presence.

"We'll resume in 5 minutes!" Shouted someone inside the studio.

You suddenly come back to reality. You had disturbed Tom during his work.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come, it's silly." You apologised, walking away from him.

He grabbed your hand before you went too far.

"Don't be silly, you did well to come."

"No, I mean, I was scared, but my father is all right, it's nothing serious, I shouldn't have bothered you."

"Y/N." Seriously Tom said, cutting you off in your tirade. "You don't have to apologize. You are my priority, and always will be. Filming can wait. You're panicked and tired, I'll drive you home. And I'm going to stay with you until your dad gets better."

You wanted to protest, feeling guilty enough for bothering him like this, but Tom put his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look him in the eye.

"You need me, and I'll be there for you. The rest can wait. You come first, always."

You smiled and hugged him tightly, silently showing him all the love and gratitude you felt for him.

"Thank you, darling."

Tom left to tell the director and crew that he had a family emergency and had to leave. Everyone protested a little but deep down they understood. Tom took your hand and guided you to the car.

He loved his job, but he loved you a lot more. You were his priority, and had been since the day he met you. 

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