The Fall of an Autumn Leaf

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Bevin returned the next day in the morning. He took up residence silently on the floor. Bevin sat there all day, even waiting for me to return when Pan bathed and fed me. He ate with me and only left in the evening hours when he returned to his tent.
Bevin became a constant and almost comforting presence. Pan slept with me and provided for me, but it was Bevin who kept me company day after day. He made no move to speak to me or try to touch me any more than simply laying a soft head on my leg once in a while when he could reach it.
Weeks passed and the cycle continued. Today when he arrived a miracle occured, I was able to focus my eyes. The limited view of Bevin let me know he had lost weight and muscle tone since I last saw him. He was dressed in a simple tattered, tunic and trousers. He took his place on the floor and remained there for the rest of the day.
A few days later I was able to shift my head slightly. Bevin didn't take notice, but a small sense of accomplishment rooted in my belly.
Finally one day when he walked in I moved my head to look at him. Elation filled his features as he rushed over excitedly. A small glimmer of happiness was present as he sat impatiently looking at me waiting for another movement, but nothing more came that day. Bevin informed Pan of the development when he returned. Pan rushed to the bed drawing me up into his arms and crushing me into a hug, tears of happiness spilled down his cheeks as he looked at me desperately waiting. That night I felt the excitement in his body as we lay down to sleep.
Over the next few days I regained control over my body slowly, piece by piece. I still did not speak, but I helped bathe and feed myself. I also sat next to Bevin, a quiet head on his shoulder. Neither of us spoke but there was a quiet comfortability present.
Pan woke me once again with a kiss on my forehead, my eyes fluttering open. He brought me into his arms as he did every morning, hugging me and telling me how much he loved me. I reached up and tentatively put my arms on his back. The tense flesh underneath my palms was warm and almost comforting as my hands rested against it. Pan froze, not daring to breathe, probably fearing it would ruin the moment. After a few seconds my arms fell, but when he pulled away I could see the exhilaration in his eyes. The day continued as normal until I fell asleep quietly in Pan's arms.
The next morning he woke me in the same fashion with the same hug ritual, this time I performed the radical action of hugging him back. Despite who the person hugging me was, his hands were gentle and however misplaced and twisted, I could see the love in his eyes and in his actions. Complete and utter dumbfounded confusion was present in his gaze as he pulled away. "Lily?" Pan asked softly. I did not respond, but there was no need, for my actions were clear. I was coming back to him as he had begged for months. When Bevin arrived that morning I stood to greet him, a new action that brought happiness to his gorgeous eyes the color of coal just before it crystallizes into a diamond. We stood looking into eachothers eyes for a long moment before I sat down in the same spot as always.
The sun woke me this morning, bleeding through the curtain of leaves that had been installed. When Pan arrived to wake me up as he always did his body conveyed surprise. We walked over to me and I waited for the kiss on my forehead but it never came, and somehow that disappointed me. Pan sat on the bed facing me looking deep into my eyes. I brought a soft hand to my cheek caressing the flesh gingerly. I leaned into the touch, taking myself by surprise. A genuine smile crossed Pan's face and it brought a soft one to my own. We sat there for a long time, him stroking my cheek. Finally he brought me into his arms and I hugged him back. His muscular body was warm and comforting and I melted into him. The very man that had broken me, the evil disgusting creature known as Peter Pan, had become my savior. But as I held Peter in my arms and he held me I could not hate a man that had bathed, fed, and cried to me for months. Maybe that makes me evil. But at this moment I am going to enjoy his arms and feel safe.

Putting this out as a reminder! This is NOT love! It's abuse! Pan does not love her! He is manipulating her and this is what you call Stockholm syndrome! Do not idealize or romanticize this! It's horrific and awful!

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