Unwanted attention

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When Garret's senses returned to him, the first thing he felt was an annoying, wet slapping against his cheek.
He furrowed his brow and tried to move his face away from the aggravating patting, groaning in an attempt make them stop.
"Oh thank god! You're alive!" A jarring, nasally voice breathed in relief.
His eyes snapped open and he stared, wide eyed, at a soaked Danielle with black smudges around her eyes and a snotty nose.
"I thought you were dead!" She wailed, cupping his face and bringing her disgusting face closer.
The Alpha let out a ferocious snarl and shoved the woman away, literally throwing her into the soggy river bank three meters away.
Damn it! The bitch had survived!
"Stay the fuck away from me!" He growled, threateningly.
"What the fuck?!" She exclaimed from where she was sprawled on the floor, staring at him in surprise. "I just saved your fucking life, you arsehole!"
"I think you'll find I was the one who saved your life!" He grunted as he sat up and got to his feet.
"Bullshit! I gave you CPR and got you breathing again!" She screeched, defensively, bounding up to her feet and marching over to him. "Without me, you would have fucking drowned!"
The Alpha pushed the water back through his thick hair, away from his eyes, and shook the excess water off his body as best he could.
"Yet without me, you would have fallen down the side of that cliff and would be a bloody pulp right now!" He drawled in regret.
"You're unbelievable! A thank you would suffice, you know!"
"Why say thank you for bringing me back from the Afterlife to go through hell with you?"
Danielle gaped at his words. "Are you fucking serious?! That's the last time I ever fucking help you, Alpha! You can fucking do one, you ungrateful bastard!"
She spun round on her heel and stamped her foot on the floor with her back facing him, her head tipping back in a tantrum.
"Fine. Farewell, then." The Alpha shrugged, beginning to walk away along the waters edge.
Danielle glanced back over her shoulder after a moment and gasped when she saw he was getting away from her.
"Hey! Wait! You can't leave me behind!" She called, running after him.
"Why can't I?" He spat, turning to glare at her. "You said it yourself 'I can fucking do one'."
She faltered, sheepishly playing with the buckle of her gauntlet.
"I-I didn't mean it like that, I mean... it's just, I don't know my way around here, and my watch must have hit a rock on the way down and it's, like, broken... that and I've lost my phone... so, like... I'm kind of stuck here..."
Her ranting complaining made Garret cringe. Her voice was going straight through him like nails on a blackboard.
The mere thought of being stuck here with this insufferable woman made him wish he had drowned. He was already sour that his plan to have Maria with him in her place had gone badly wrong, so this situation was like adding salt to an open wound.
He ground his teeth, ignoring her ranting and resumed his journey, leaving her to do whatever she wanted.
She appeared by his side, ringing the water out of her hair. Not even five minutes passed before she began muttering away to herself again.
"Ugh, I spent ages getting my hair that silky smooth. What a fucking waste! You know, it'd be a lot easier if they had straighteners here. That, and some proper makeup! The fact I had to use blood as lipstick, eurgh! And this armour is so... unflatteri-"
The final slither of patience that he had managed to keep hold of vanished in an instant as soon as she had started talking.
"RAAAARRRR!! Do you ever shut up?!" The Alpha roared. "Honestly, why the fuck do they keep you around?!"
Her mouth fell open in astonishment at his blunt, hurtful words before closing it and glaring at him.
"I beg your pardon? You have no idea who I am, do you?" She snapped, folding her arms again.
"The army's whore?" He guessed, snidely.
"Ha ha, very funny!" She rolled her eyes, jogging to catch up with him again as he continued on his way. "I am Darren Hodgson's sister."
Garret cocked an unimpressed eyebrow, casting her a bewildered sideways look.
"Darren Hodgson? You know? The King of the Dragons?!"
That made him stop. He slowly turned to look at her in disbelief.
"You're a dragon?!"
"No. I'm human, but my twin brother is the dragon king, meaning I am technically royalty!"
He threw his head back and howled with laughter at the sky.
"You? Royalty?! Hahahaha!"
Danielle faltered as her attempt to make herself seem important failed, miserably, and arrogantly flicked her hair back. "Well, I am... technically..."
"Royals have no status here, you stupid bitch! This is Rulid! Practically, two thirds of the entire population descended from royal families, but it doesn't mean they get treated like one!" He mocked, laughing harder. "If anything, I should think your brother would be ashamed to have someone like you as their sister. Being related to you in any way is basically everyone's worst nightmare."
"Fuck you!" She screeched, pulling her arm back and slapping him across the face.
The Alpha snapped and tackled her to the floor, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head with one hand.
"No one disrespects me, human!" His wolf growled in her face, baring his canines. "You'd be wise to remember that!"
The woman kept her furious facade for a split second then whimpered as he painfully pushed her wrists into the river bank.
"Ok, I'm sorry!" She wailed.
He huffed in disgust and lifted himself off her, snarling as he resumed his path.
The both of them followed the river in silence, Danielle having to jog in order to keep up with Garret's wide strides, and giving him awkward looks of regret. Garret kept his eyes fixed on the path ahead, grinding his teeth and trying not to vomit at Danielle's stomach churning, sickly sweet stench of mint and pineapple. It made his head ache from how overpowering it was, constantly filling his nostrils and making it difficult for him to be able to scent any signs of danger that could be close by.
He kept himself occupied by imagining being with Maria again. The girl had truly captured his attention. Her gentle eyes, her gorgeous smile, the bosom she was hiding beneath her flattering armoured dress made his mouth water with wonder at what she would look like naked. The mystery surrounding her entire body made his stomach tighten with desire and his loins burn with need.
He blindly walked on, his mind sending a flurry of sexual delights across his minds eye.
He fantasised her gradually removing her armour and revealing herself to him, biting her lip with anticipation of what he would do to her. She would then lay back, spreading her legs for him to gaze upon her tempting, pink lower lips, reaching down to playfully tease herself, sending him into a lustful daze, unable to look away from her. She would tilt her head back, letting slip a sultry moan that strikes through the Alpha like lightening, coaxing him to crawl forward and wrap his arms around her thighs, as he starts to lap, hungrily, at her sweet juices.
Danielle suddenly let out a loud, forced sigh, making Garret grimace and groan loudly at the interruption. He cringed as she looped her arm around his and pulled herself closer.
"So, where exactly are we going?" She asked, conversationally.
Garret wrenched his arm out of her grip and put some distance between them, meaning he was now trudging through the shallow waters edge.
"Back to my pack territory." He deadpanned.
"But, the pack is above us, and, unless you haven't noticed, we are currently stuck in a gorge, that we can't climb up without rope, so-"
"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! We are following the river, which will take us to the sea that surrounds the outskirts of Fiesora, then we should be able to trace our steps back along the gorge cliff to my territory."
"Well, excuse me!" She whined back in a sarcastic, high pitched voice. "I was just trying to make conversation. You're not the best at letting everyone know the plan, you know."
"Because you should just follow my lead without question! I'm an Alpha, for fuck sake!"
"You're an incompetent, rude prick. For all I know, you could be leading me to my death!"
"Trust me, I have already thought about it." Garret admitted through gritted teeth. "Then I realised your death wouldn't benefit me in any way! No one gives a damn about whether you're alive or dead. You have no close relationship to any I would want revenge on, therefore, your death would be pointless and a waste of my time! I want to make them suffer, not give them what they want!"
With that said, he stormed forward, leaving her behind in a flabbergasted state of shock as the truth hit her hard.
He didn't feel bad for leaving her alone to her thoughts, feeling like her world was shattering beneath her feet, all he wanted was to get as much distance between them as quick as he could.
Unfortunately, she still trailed after him. Keeping herself back, this time, instead of forcing her presence upon him. Her eyes brimmed with tears of loneliness and she had lost the strength to keep her posture upright.
He should have given her the harsh truth sooner if this was the result. He was left blissfully alone, his mind wandering back into his fantasy of Maria being his obedient plaything.

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