Do you know your enemy?

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Garret stood watching his team of Vern, Nick, Lewis, Stanley, Arthur, Tim and Brian, the best tracker warriors his pack had, waiting for the Silver Moons anticipated arrival. Even though Alpha Harry and Luna Rhianna advised a team of ten, these men were multitalented, so he was sure he'd be able to cut corners with them.
He couldn't believe how the Alpha, Luna and their psychotic sister had degraded him and forced him to partake in this ridiculous search! He still didn't believe that any Order scum had encroached onto his lands, and he had faith that his pack members were loyal and honest towards him.
He felt like he was a pouting teenager, who had been scolded by his parents in front of his pals for something trivial. Admittedly, he was glad that he had been alone in the office when Alpha Harry, Luna Rhianna and Rebecca/Sistres basically shredded his ego apart. To his pack, his reputation was still intact, but he couldn't bear the thought of the couple degrading him in front of them when they arrived any minute.
He felt defeated, but he couldn't give up. He planned to get his revenge on the neighbouring pack for the way they had squashed his pride.
Throughout the night, he had stayed up, plotting and scheming. He had thought about stealing their son, but then even he wouldn't stoop that low. He could kill the infant, but a nagging in the back of his mind was telling him that that was a very bad idea. He could kill that annoying multiple personality bitch, but he had missed his opportunity now.
He huffed in frustration, watching his team practise duelling in the bitter cold weather. Even though they were wolves, and mainly fought battles in their wolf forms, Garret made sure his pack were thoroughly prepared for any scenario. Like Harry and Rhianna, they all used weapons, the difference being that Garret made sure every single wolf was highly skilled with weapons, as well as their wolf. They trained hard, half a day building their wolfs strength, then refining their sword skills along with the other weapons some preferred to use.
Garret, himself, didn't wield a sword. Instead he opted for the deadly Ecriunex.
It was a combination of multiple tools of terror put into one bone chilling monstrosity. In hindsight, the weapon was a mechanical masterpiece. The main part looked like a huge, heavy, thick long sword with a split down the top quarter of the blade. The edges were serrated like a bread knife, thinning to an acutely sharpened ridge while the centre of the blade fattened out, hiding the lethal, terrifying additions from sight.
The split in the blade not only meant that Garret could wrench open his foes chests as he passed, like a bottle opener, but it could be triggered by a teeny tiny button on the hilt and the split would open wider, either shooting out a thin, razor sharp sheers, that ruthlessly sliced through flesh and bone, or a metal teethed clamp for savagely grabbing and yanking the victim closer from a distance of up to five meters away.
If the opponent had been impaled, another hidden button made the base of the blade flair out, creating numerous branches that had spikes lining the inner sides. If the welder twisted the blade into his foes gut, this effectively shredded the skin like pulled pork, causing the victim excruciating agony. That's if they had managed to survive to that point. The hilt, itself, also housed more sickening creations, such as spinning spiked wheels on the handle bars if anyone tried to take the weapon, and two daggers that could be pulled out of the inside of the handle, for any strays that might attack during the main event.
The infamous Rulidian weapon was usually the top choice for those wanting to torture their captives, but not for Garret. He excelled at using the difficult to master atrocity.
He tore his eyes away from the entertaining duel between Stanley and Brian, and looked towards the rock lined gap of the huge gorge that separated Blood Moon and Silver Moon's territories from each other.
The gorge was ominous. It fell hundreds of meters down, with steep, sharp, ragged cliffs on either side of a dangerous, narrow, fast flowing river at the bottom.
It was this gorge that the troop would be following. The two packs would slowly trudge along the cliff edge of the gorge, scouting around the border and sniffing out where these intruders could be hiding.
They would have to be very careful, however. The ridges of the cliff faces could crumble without warning and collapse at any moment, widening the gap between the two sides, and creating an ever growing danger to the group.
It was this possibility that gave Garret an evil plan.
If there was some way to lead some of Alpha Harry's unsuspecting team, who possibly wouldn't know the area, off the gorge to their deaths, he could have his own back on the pompous prat!
He'd watch them all carefully, pinpointing which one meant the most to the Alpha and Luna so their grief would hit them hard.
Or even... accidentally on purpose making the Luna lose her footing and plummet downwards, her body crashing and bouncing off the steep cliff face before her broken corpse hit the water below...
A sinister smirk spread across his face as he thought of the Alphas heart broken reaction. It would be oh so satisfying to witness!
He jumped, violently, when flashes of light blinded the pack of Blood Moon. The wolves, who had been spectating the practise duels, all looked to the skies in bewilderment, looking around for a source of what they thought was a storm, just like how he had reacted in his office the night before.
Alpha Harry, Luna Rhianna and their posse appeared out of thin air, making the members growl and take defensive positions.
Garret held up his hand to keep them back, his smirk returning when he saw Harry had chosen an even ratio of males and females. He could tell from sniffing the air that only two others, apart from the Alpha and Luna, were werewolves. The remainder were human.
This shouldn't have surprised Garret as much as it should of. Of course the Alpha would want to show off his close connection to the formidable human army, FREE, but this might just be the key to his downfall.
He took a moment to take in details of his rivals chosen team.
Standing just behind Harry was Jason, Rhianna's original Beta, and his mate, Caroline. She was a fine specimen of she wolf. Luscious blonde hair that caressed her face with blooming lips and perfect physique, while Jason was a thick browed, round eyed, pinched nose, muscular tank.
Beside him was a jolly, fat blob of a man. He had wispy, dark grey hair laying over his shoulders, with a wobbly double chin, friendly blue eyes, a kind smile and he was definitely human. The man had a bigger gut than a barrel of fish! Why Harry thought to bring him along was a mystery. He wore a strong, silver chest plate that struggled to cover his expanding stomach with matching pauldrons covering his shoulders, gauntlets and grieves. At his hip hung a strong, sturdy mace with an iron shirt sword beside it.
Next to him was a man who had his receding brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail. His eyes matched the same warm brown of Rhianna and that Rebecca's. His expression was suspicious and cold towards Garret, and he was wearing a full body armour with a well looked after silver long sword.
The final man of the party was a tall, toned red head. He had an over confident, cocky attitude about him, with his grey eyes, lopsided grin, dimples, his hair oddly sticking off at an angle in one direction, and he also wore full body armour of a brilliant blue colour, except he had a helmet, that was currently tucked under his arm. A huge shield covered his back from his shoulders down to mid thighs, and he had a thin long sword sheathed at his hip.
His free arm was proudly slung over the shoulders of a petite red headed girl, who also radiated confidence. At first glance, anyone would think the man and woman were siblings with matching red hair, but hers was a shade or two darker and curly. Her eyes were a beautiful blue, her face young, innocent, almost angelic. Her small frame was wearing matching armour to the man, with a chain mail waist that seduced Garret to eagerly trace her hourglass figure with his eyes and imagine her breasts tumbling out of the restricting chest piece she wore. He cocked an eyebrow when he noticed skin peeking out under her armour plated skirt and thigh high greaves with heeled plated boots.
Masking his lust for the red head, he turned his attention to the last two women beside Rhianna.
Both were tall, long haired brunettes. One had her hair loose, falling dead straight down her back, and her blue eyes were undoubtedly eyeing up the Alpha, seductively nibbling in her stained red bottom lip. But Garrets attention was drawn to the other girl. Her grey blue eyes popped under her thick fringe, her smile pliant and gentle. She stood straight and proud, her hand resting on the hilt of a strange pink jewelled, dusky green dagger in its sheath beside a matching short sword. She also wore the chain mail waisted armoured dress but in a dark red. She wasn't as curvy as the red head, but she certainly had a good body. Her legs went on forever and he couldn't help but imagine how he could easily hook them over his shoulders for easy access if he was given the chance.
Garret faltered at the thought, worriedly rubbing his brow with his thumb and forefinger. Where were these thoughts coming from? Not the context, but the species! He would never usually think about doing the dirty with humans! Let alone feeling his body reacting to finding the inferior species attractive.
"Alpha Garret. It's good to see you're ready." Alpha Harry chuckled, eyeing the men who had frozen during their training and thankfully missing Garret's awkward moment. "Managed to squeeze in that little training session you wanted, I see."
Garret shoved his distracting imagination to the back of his mind and took a steadying breath to calm himself. Straightening his back, he gave the Alpha a flat look.
"We are always training, just like your pack!" He responded, coldly.
Rhianna giggled. "But you have to try harder than us."
A furious growl ripped through his chest, his eyes flaring up a deep red in warning to the Luna.
"How about we introduce our little troop, hey, sexy?" Alpha Harry smirked, protectively stepping in front of her to block Garrets view.
He gestured to his team and they stepped forward, their faces not even bothering to hide that they found the Luna's snide remark amusing.
"So, you already know Jason and his mate, Caroline." Harry said, nodding his head to the couple. "But we also have Leopoldo. He's a warlock from Neonia."
Alpha Garret and his pack bristled, uncomfortable that a warlock was on their territory. Garret assumed it was the toned red headed man but, to his astonishment, Harry had actually been referring to the round tub of lard.
He looked back over his shoulder at his men, scoffing at the fact this Alpha had thought it a good idea to bring this man along for the walk.
"Is he going to survive? He might have a heart attack." Stanley jeered.
"Yeah, exercise doesn't seem to be his strong point." Lewis chimed in.
Garret grinned, watching the fat man lose his jolliness in a heartbeat as he heard his men's bullying.
"Looks like I'm not the ones lacking with their training, am I, Luna Rhianna?" He sneered, folding his arms, triumphantly.
The man with the receding hair in a ponytail stepped forward, his fists balled up at his sides as he made to defend his friend, but Leopoldo grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.
"This is Micha King. He is Rebecca Donton and Jarod King's son." Harry proudly introduced him.
"Oh, really?" Garret drawled. "Do you have a 'stowaway' too? Possessed by some make believe Angel when really you're just fucked in the head?"
Micha reached for his blade but didn't withdraw it. "Not exactly, but I am a warlock too. You don't want to upset us, dog!"
Garrets pack all snarled, threateningly, at the warlock bastard.
"I'm sure he learnt his lesson when he met your mum last night, Micha." Harry gloated. "Anyway, this is Edwards."
The red haired man lifted his hand in greeting, then looked down at the woman under his arm.
"This is my missus, Ryder." He announced, proudly.
Garret inwardly grumbled to himself. Damn it! She was his mate. Such a shame as she would have been a very interesting experiment for the Alpha in the bedroom.
Rhianna then turned to the two women that were left.
"This is Danielle." She carelessly introduced the straight haired flirt. "And this is Maria," she introduced the innocent looking beauty with a warm smile.
Ah ha! Garret had his target! Luna Rhianna appeared to like this young woman, which would make her the perfect opportunity for revenge.
"It's a pleasure to meet you... Alpha..." this Danielle curtsied.
Garret ignored her, his eyes fixated on Maria as he hatched his plan.
He would definitely have to make use of this girl before he sent her to her death. It would be such a waste to not take advantage of her sweet, delicious body before sending her to the Afterlife. He wondered if she was a virgin... how tight would she be? How would she taste?
He licked his lips, a predatory smirk lifting them upwards, when a hand was suddenly slapped on his shoulder, startling him out of his perverted thoughts.
Vern stepped round Garret, taking on the role of introducing everyone on their side because he hadn't moved.
"My name is Vern, I'm the Beta here at Blood Moon." He stated, bluntly, puffing up his chest with pride. "This is Gamma Nick. Our top guards, Lewis and Stanley. And our top three warriors in the pack, Tim, Brian and Arthur."
"Looks like you've gone for more muscle than brains here, Alpha Garret." Luna Rhianna sneered. "I'll be surprised if they could work anything out out there."
Garret scoffed back at her. "And you've decided to go for brains rather than fitness. Your team isn't going to last five minutes around the border!"
Alpha Harry hummed. "Let's see then, shall we?"

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