A few minutes later he was off driving through town to get home and that's when he saw her .

A  girl. Leaving  the grocery store that Esme sometimes frequented as a way of keeping up appearances .

She was a brunette with beautiful doe eyes ,brown in colour . She was dressed in black leggings , kneehigh boots and a bright red coat .

A beanie covered the top of her head and a scarf her neck .

If Carlisle had a beating heart it would've gone wild at the sight of the girl .

She was beyond beautiful to him and he couldn't help but want to know her . To talk to her .

So ,he decided upon doing something crazy by pulling up against the sidewalk and opening his window to call out softly to her in a voice that he hoped didn't tremble " Hello ,Miss. Can I offer you a ride somewhere ?!".

The girl halted to look at him hesitantly .

" Um...no, Mister. I'm good . The fresh air's great , thanks ", she spoke  , her voice soft and sweet .It sounded like music to him .

" Are you sure ?. It's going to rain soon and you'll get wet . I'm a doctor and I don't want to see you get a cold when I can prevent it ".

His voice came out gentle ,but stern . He hoped she'd listen and take him up on his offer now.

She stood looking at him with those beautiful brown eyes of hers and he had to steel himself not to jump out of the car and go grab her .

Right on cue ,as if he'd called it ,it started raining  with big fat drops dripping wet down on the already wet earth .

The girl looked up and let out a deep sigh . " Oh come on . Why now?", she exclaimed softly to the sky that was pouring down its life giving gift .

Carlisle smiled smugly as he opened the passenger side's door . " Get in ", he softly instructed ," You won't get wet then ....Well , wetter , I mean."

Grumbling under her breath , the girl ran around to the passenger side and got in .

Carlisle didn't even flinch when she slammed the door shut . He only told her to fasten her seatbelt and then he drove off .
Alexandra couldn't grasp why she got into the blonde man's car .

Wasn't her mother's speech of stranger danger enough when she was little ?.

Now here she was sitting beside a man she didn't know from Adam and  she just didn't know where her head had been when she'd gotten into the car . She could've just gone back to the store and called Bella or Charlie to come pick her up .

She tried not to look at the inhumanly beautiful man . His signature topaz eyes already gave away to what family he belonged to .

She wondered which of the Cullens he is considering that she had only met a few of them and so far they were all friendly enough.

It was weird how all the Cullens seemed to be pale and have those eyes . Which in her honest opinion was a bit weird since only the Doctor and Esme was said to be related .

She'd wanted to call Alaric Saltzman and ask him if he knew if supernatural beings with topaz eyes because that's what she thought they might be . Supernatural beings.

" So, where can I drop you off ?", his kind voice brought her out of her thoughts .

" Um...my Uncle's house ", she said ,not thinking that he might not know who her Uncle is because he didn't even know her name .

" Oh... and where's that ?. Who's your Uncle ?".

She turned her head to look at him and had to suppress the gasp that clawed its way towards​ her lips .

He was even more beautiful in close quarters than he'd been when she'd been outside looking in.

He looked back at her ,his eyes drawing her into their swirling depths . They were so mesmerising . She could stare at him all day .

Then he looked away , breaking the spell and she blinked as if she'd just awoken from a very deep sleep.

Then she remembered what he'd asked and she felt sort of reluctant to answer ,yet she had to because he wouldn't know where to go .

" Chief Swan is my Uncle ", she said trying to not let her inner turmoil show.

He didn't say anything back to her . Not that she thought he would ,but she'd have liked to hear his voice again .

The drive further was short and soon enough she was running ,after a thank you and a quick goodbye , towards the front door of her Uncle's house to get out of the rain .

She didn't look back to see if he was still there because 1 :she might slip and fall and 2 : he might think she was head over heels for him .

That wasn't going to happen . Ever .
Carlisle was half in a daze when he walked into his home .

He could hear the hustle and bustle of his family as he walked towards his room to get dressed in more casual wear than his dress pants and designer white  button up shirt .

His thoughts were a mess . All he can think of was the girl that lived with Police Chief Charlie Swan .

He bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair when he at last  stood before his closet ,not acknowledging  the piles of clothes in front of him.

" She's so beautiful ", he whispered softly to himself ," And oh my goodness, she's human . How can I feel so much for a human girl that I barely know."

It was obvious that the girl was the one Alice had been pestering him about.

He frowned at that . He could swear that Alice had pestered Edward about Bella too before Edward had  even seen the girl.

That brought on a thought of concern to Carlisle because if Alice had pestered Edward and now did the same to him then....

He shook his head. No . Really no . It just can't be . It just can't.

If that girl is his mate then it meant that he is in love with a human and the laws of his world was straightforward . No human are supposed to know about Vampires .
So , no . And again a thousand times no .

He wouldn't allow himself to be the cause of his family's destruction . Not if he could help it .
I hope you liked it . 🍎

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