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YALL SHOULD FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER IF YOU'D LIKE ;) ITS @crowniezz and @crowniezalt



Days passed since I had regained my memory. I had to go to the hospital one last time to take some notes and gather a few medical supplies, which would me with my brain throbbing and feeling confused all of the time. It was only supposed to help until my brain fully recovered. 

I had been making fun of Sapnap ever since I had regained consciousness. About how this was "all his fault". Karl and Dream catched on too and we all would pester and laugh at Sapnap everynight at dinner. 

Though it seemed to really get to him at one point. He had came into my one night room balling his eyes out, sitting against my bed. I could tell he had honestly felt so horrible about the whole situation, thinking he had "messed everything up", knowing if I never got my memory back he would have to live in constant pain of making Dream and Karl, plus himself loose a friend. 

After realizing how it affected him and how much he had thought about the fact that he did all of this, I stopped mocking him and decided to comfort him instead. I know he would never intend to hurt me that bad, none of us even knew a small hit like that could send me into a coma. Part of it could've been from how much heat was filling my body that day aswell, making me all dizzy and such. 

After all of that I proceeded to tell Dream how sorry I was, I could still remember all those words I had said to him. How I didn't trust him, how he was a psychopath and how I was never going to love him because I didn't even know who he was. 

He only blamed it on the fact that I couldn't remember, which made since but still...I should've snapped out of it faster. Wasn't really up to me though. 

We had all just been relaxing at the house, and they all started to baby me more than they had before. Anytime I would walk up the stairs, someone would walk behind me making sure I didn't fall. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without someone with me, in case I fell and hit my head. 

The doctor had said if I were to hit my head slightly it could mess up the healing process and send me back into a coma, I understood that they were cautious of me, but I really didn't need to be babied. I could take care of myself, and it was starting to get on my nerves. 


I headed into the garage, stepping up onto a latter. I wanted to build something so I needed a hammer and some wood. I went up on my tippy toes, reaching for the wood. After I had grabbed the supplies, I stepped down once on the latter. 

"STOP!" A door had slammed open and Dream was running over towards me. He picked me up from the latter and set me onto the floor. "WHAT THE HELL GEORGE?" He yanked the hammer and wood from my arms, throwing them to the side. 

I scoffed pushing off of him. "I GOT IT. GOD, JUST GO BACK INSIDE." I turned, picking up the wood before I was grabbed from behind. Dream carefully picked me up bringing me inside towards the couch. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I jumped up from the couch scowling at him, folding my arms together. 

He rolled his eyes, pointing for me to sit back down. "George, you have to relax and heal. Just come sit down, we can watch a movie or just talk." 

I spat at him. "You've turned into a control freak you realize that? I can do things on my own, you and Sap and Karl don't need to be fucking babying me twenty four seven. I can handle myself and what I do. It's MY OWN BODY THAT IM HEALING BY MYSELF. You don't need to be involved in everything little thing. I'm going on a walk, so just go fuck yourself Clay." 

I threw a book at him and headed for the front door, slamming it shut. 

I let the wind breeze throughout my hair, the air was fresh after the rainstorm last night. I walked along the road, gazing around. I decided whether or not I would go towards the beach, but instead just walked towards an opened forest. 

I just wanted to get away from everything, from everyone. And there would be a ton of people at the beach, whereas I'll be completely alone with my thoughts in the woods. 

I hiked up a small mountain before sitting against a tree. I pressed my head against the tree, scrolling through twitter. A bunch of of my friends and family had been tweeting and texting me about the night of the hospital. 

"Hope you're feeling better."
"Get well soon."
"Are you okay George?"

I sighed placing my phone down. The more I thought about it, I felt a little bad about screaming at Dream earlier. 

He was only trying to help and care for me. I guess I had understood how it must've felt for him, the feeling of loosing me completely. He was just being cautious of something happening again, and I yelled at him for it. 

Before I knew it, it had gotten dark outside. I should probably just head home. 

I pushed the door open, hearing the faint talking from the TV. Dream had been curled up on the side, leaning his arm against the couch glaring at the TV. 

I walked over towards him with my head down, I crawled over and sat next to him. He only looked over, lifting his arm so I could squeeze under. Tears started spouting from my eyes, and I turned my head into his chest. 

"I'm sorry from screaming at you earlier. I was just upset at the fact that everyone was babying me and doing everything for me. I know that you were just worried about me and trying to help, so I'm sorry Dream." I sniffled and hiccupped through the words. 

He rubbed his hand through my hair and used his other hand to rub my back, like old times. "You don't need to be sorry George. You're right, your old enough and strong enough to take care of yourself. Just don't stress about it too much, alright?" 

I nodded my head slowly, gazing over up at him. 

He pressed his lips against my forehead and hugged me tightly, turning back towards the TV. I smiled and turned towards the TV. I laid my head against Dream's lap, kicking my legs out against the rest of the couch. 

It was nice to feel this comfort once again, it had felt like so long since I had this. I didn't waste one moment of it, before my eyes finally shut. 


Kindaa short and boring sorry, I really have no idea how to continue this. uhm. yeah

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