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4 years later....

"Ok, put the blindfold on."

"I already know we're in diagon alley, I saw it!"

"Yes, but still."

On a bright, sunny day, two men were in diagon alley. One was a boy with messy black hair, green eyes, glasses, and a scar on his forehead. His name was Harry Potter. He was being blindfolded by the other boy, who had blonde hair and a sneaky smile. He was Draco Malfoy. 

"Ok, I put it on, is it tight enough? Here are my glasses," Harry asked.

"Yes, you don't need to strangle yourself. C'mon!" Draco answered, taking his glasses and dragging him along the streets of Diagon Alley. Harry dragged along with him, tripping over his feet once or twice.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," Draco said simply. They went along the road, Draco humming happily to himself.

"Ouch!" Harry exclaimed, for he had just run into a pole.

"Oh no! Are you ok?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, I think..." Harry said, rubbing his forehead. 

Draco took a look at it, before saying, "No, you're all good! I'll be more careful this time."

And so on they went, for a few minutes, before they stopped.

"Ok, we're here!"

"Can I take off my blindfold?"


Harry took off his blindfold and squinted at the building before him.

"I can't see anything. You have my glasses?"

"Oh, yes, sorry," Draco said, giving him his glasses. Harry put them on and squinted at the building again.

"Is this- Madam Malkin's?" Harry asked, "The store for robes?"

"Yes!" Draco said eagerly. "C'mon, let's go in!"

And so they went in, before seeing loads and loads of robes before them. Robes for school, robes for work, robes for everything.

"This is nice, Draco, but why exactly did you bring me here?"

"Well, we met here!" Draco answered, "That day when we were getting our first robes for Hogwarts! And, well, I also need some luck."

"Oh yeah! I remember that day! But- why do you need luck?" Harry asked, looking around.

"Well, good question," Draco said, his heart pounding. Harry then watched him and gasped when he saw him getting on one knee. Draco took a big breath.

"Harry, we've known each other for a very, very long time, so I want to ask you a huge favor."

Draco took another deep breath, took out a small ring with a diamond on top, and asked, "Will you marry me?"

Harry was very taken aback by this. He stared, wide-eyed at this cute boy he met about 10 years ago. Finally, he smiled, and flung himself into his arms. Draco yelped in surprise and fell back, making them both fall to the ground. They hugged for a long time, tears in both their eyes. Finally, they broke apart, laughing.

"So- So does this mean yes?" Draco asked in almost a whisper.

"Yes, Draco. I will marry you."

The end!

Author's note: If you stuck around to the end, you are a real trooper! Thank you again for reading this fanfiction. I enjoyed fulfilling my friend's wishes, and I hope you did too. If you liked this story, I have a few more ready. So far I'm already done my Nuna (Neville and Luna) fanfiction, and as of right now, I'm working on my Linny (Ginny and Luna) fanfiction. I hope you like them as well.

Malfoy and Potter (A Drarry fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin