Chapter 7

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Harry POV:

Being friends with Draco is, frankly, weird, knowing that this person stomped on my foot a month ago because I was spying on him. But anyways, now that I didn't have to worry about seeing Draco as much, that should be a good thing, right? Anyways, we both agreed to not tell anyone about our friendship, because, well, how annoying would it be to have your friend by your side telling off your other friend?

"I told you, I don't like him!" I hear a certain boy say. I turn the corner to see Draco and Pansy walking together.

"Draco?" I say. I see Draco turn a faint pink. "Who are you talking about?"

"You," Pansy says, "he talks about you like he's your boyfriend or something."

I narrow my eyes at Draco, who mutters something about not getting it. "Sorry, what?"

Draco scratches his right arm before turning to Pansy. "I wasn't talking about him!"

"Yeah, but you were talking about being gay," Pansy says firmly. "What do you have to say about that?"

"Well, yeah, I might be. But I don't even have a boyfriend!"

Pansy looks at him weirdly, before sneering. "Well, you don't have a boyfriend yet." And on that suspicious note, she picks up her bag and walks away.

"You don't actually have a boyfriend, don't you?" I ask, before slapping myself in the face mentally. Why did you have to ask that? You don't even care about his love life, anyways. Or do you? Shaking the thought out of my head, I wait for Draco to make an answer, who turns red and says, "No, of course not."

"Ah well, ok. Wait- why was she suspecting me to be your boyfriend?" I ask. Draco, if possible, turns even redder. Man, I didn't even know that he could look embarrassed. 

"I don't know! We don't even have much in common! We're just friends! I suspect that Pansy's just being jealous," Draco scoffs, and I can't help feeling my stomach drop. 

"Y-Yeah, just friends," I mumble. We stare at the ground in silence before seeing something on his right arm. "H-Hey, you said that you wouldn't do that anymore! You promised and everything!" I exclaim.

Draco's eyes widened, before pulling his sleeve down. "I know, I just can't help it..."

"Let me see that!" I say, before pulling Draco's right sleeve up. Although the cuts he made look like they haven't been touched, there are new one's on his upper arm, and even his shoulder. "H-How much did you cut?" I ask. Draco looks annoyed and shamed as he pulls his shirt up. Among his chest, there are a few cuts and a big one in the middle of his chest. I gasp. "You're still doing this?"

"W-Well, I just..." Draco stammers. Just then, someone comes around the corner. Realizing that it's Pansy, I gasp, and Draco, seeing her too, pulls down his shirt, but Pansy comes there first. "What now? You're trying to get naked in front of Harry?"

"No, of course not. Can you just leave?" Draco sighs.

"Fine. I'm only here because I forgot my transfiguration book." And with that, she takes her book and leaves. I wait a moment before speaking.

"Draco, you need to stop. We need to hide your knife."

Draco thinks about it before nodding. "But where?"

"I don't know, in the library?"

"No, that'll be too easy for me to reach," Draco frowns, "Maybe the kitchens?"

"That's a good idea," I say, and we decide to go over to the kitchens. As usual, there are house elves everywhere. Dobby sees me and races over. "Harry Potter is here again! And he's brought-" Dobby stops suddenly, seeing Draco. I gulp. The Malfoy's were Dobby's old masters. 

"Don't worry, Dobby. Draco won't hurt you," I say hastily, looking at Draco, who nods. To my delight, Dobby shrugs and says to Draco, "What is Draco Malfoy doing here?"

"Hiding a knife," Draco says, a little too quickly. Dobby's eyes widen. "Why is Draco Malfoy hiding a knife, sir?"

"He just- is," I reply, before giving him the knife carefully. "No time to explain. Please, hide it. Draco, close your eyes."

"Please, Harry Potter must come with Dobby to see his hiding spot," Dobby says.

"Ok then, Dobby." I look at Draco, who's eyes aren't closed, but are now swimming in tears, lost in thought. "Draco? You ok?"

"It's nothing," Draco mutters, wiping his eyes. I shrug and follow Dobby. It takes a long time, and we finally stop at a drawer. Dobby opens it, and I look inside, seeing rows and rows of knives. "Dobby will put Draco Malfoy's knife in here," Dobby says, putting the knife in before closing the drawer. 

"Thanks, Dobby."

"Dobby is welcome," Dobby said with a smile on his face. "Dobby has to leave for work now. Dobby says goodbye to Harry Potter."

"Goodbye, Dobby," I say, before watching him disappear. I walk out of the kitchen and see Draco in a chair, eating cream puffs. Draco spots me, before hastily trying to hide the cream puffs.

"You were eating cream puffs without me?" I ask teasingly. Draco grins and hands me one. "Hey, be grateful you actually got one," he answers. We laugh, before eating cream puffs and breaking into conversation. 

We talk for a long time, and completely forget about anything else about our past, except ourselves. 

Just ourselves.

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