Chapter 13

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Harry POV:

"I saw you run into the hospital wing. What happened?" Draco asks me, hand in hand. I shake my head and say, "Ron got poisoned."

Draco looks at me likes he has the urge to curse Ron, but he simply says, "Sorry, Harry."

"It's fine. Oh!" I exclaim, "Do you want to go to Hogsmeade still? It got postponed to tomorrow."

"Of course. I'll be outside the Gryffindor common room door at 10. Is that ok?" Draco asks. I nod, before walking back to the Gryffindor common room. I sleep again, thinking of Draco. 

When morning comes, I wake up excitedly and eat breakfast. I practically skip to the great hall, and Hermione notices.

"Hey, did you drink Felix Felicis today? You seem a lot giddier."

"Oh, just thinking about someone," I answer dreamily.

"Sounds like you have a crush..."

"I don't!" I yelp. Technically it's not a crush, it's a boyfriend, I think to myself. 

"Is it about Hogsmeade? Are you going? I'm not, I have my ancient runes homework to start."

"Yes, I'm going," I say.

"Ah, well, I think you'll be one of the few that's going. Most kid's parents aren't allowing them to go. Draco Malfoy's going, though, I think. Watch out for him."

"I will."

At 9:30 I race back to my dormitory to get ready. I straighten my tie and look at myself in the mirror. I can't believe that I'm about to go on a date with Draco Malfoy, a possible death eater. I smile to myself. These past few days have been a dream, like I'm living through someone else's body. I swing my bag over my shoulders and walk out my dormitory. It's just a date, I think to myself, you can do this. I take a long deep breath, reassure myself, and walk out the door, pleased to see Draco waiting for me.

"H-Hey," I say, rubbing my head.

"Hello. Let's go to Hogsmeade."

"O-Ok," I say, walking to Hogsmeade together. "Did anyone give you any grief? I think Hermione suspects something, but no one else is going to Hogsmeade, so I won't run into anyone with you."

"It's the same with me. Crabbe and Goyle have work to do, and I have no idea about Pansy. I think she's really cut up about us breaking up. It almost makes me feel bad for her." Draco catches my skeptical expression and laughs. "Ah, well, it's much better being with you. You're way better at kissing."

We laugh all the way to Hogsmeade, my heart feeling light. "Where do you want to go?" I ask.

"Er- I haven't been to The Three Broomsticks in a while, wanna go there?"

"Sure," I say, and we walk into The Three Broomsticks, ordering butterbeers. I scratch my arm awkwardly. How do you start a conversation again?

"So uh- Quidditch is happening. Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff. Who are you rooting for?"

"Er- Ravenclaw, of course. Hufflepuff never stand a chance. They haven't had one since Cedric, well, you know..." Draco trails off, looking ashamed.

"I don't think Hufflepuff has ever stood a chance, even with Cedric. I feel bad for them, you know?" I say.

"Eh, a little," Draco smiling. Wow, Draco feeling bad? That's a first.

I narrow my eyes. "I didn't know you could feel bad for people," I say teasingly. 

"No, really! Hufflepuffs are usually last place in a lot. Quidditch, the house cup...a lot! I would be sad if my house was always last."

"You're just saying that because you don't like losing, huh," I say, and Draco turns red and throws a napkin at me. I dodge, laughing with him. I like this feeling, I think to myself, it's like I have no other problems in my life...besides Voldemort, and Ron, and the memory I have to collect...I spiral into problems, my smile fading from my face. Draco notices, and looks at my intently.

"Are you ok, Harry?" he asks me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ok, I just have a lot on my mind..."

"Look, if you need to talk, just say the word, alright?" Draco asks. The look in his face is so soft, I have the urge to cry right there.

"I'm just really stressed. About Ron, about the fact that Voldemort has to be killed, about a lot. It's a lot of work to be done, and I think I might explode sometimes," I say in almost a whisper.

"Well, it seems like you're on top of everything. And look on the bright side. You don't have to worry about your parents..." Draco trails off, looking sad. I grab his hand and look at him.

"Draco. I'm sure your mom is fine. I'm not so sure about your dad, but your mom should be proud of her child," I say. It's rather odd, talking about Draco's parents like this, when they are death eaters. 

"She is?"

"Of course she is. Her child got put into Slytherin, was made Quidditch seeker for his team, and is doing great in life. What else would she want in you?"

A shadow casts over Draco, like he has a secret he's hiding, but he still returns my smile and says, "Thanks, Harry. These past few weeks have been mental ones, and I'm glad you're here to help me."

"I'm glad, too. We're technically helping each other. Isn't that great?"

Draco smiles softly before pulling me in an embrace.

"Of course it's great."

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