Chapter 2

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Draco POV:

"Why exactly did you apologize to Harry? He deserved it!" Pansy exclaims.

"To be honest, I don't really know."

Walking towards the dungeons, I feel my heart beat quicker. Could it be because I like him? Nah, it's probably because of stress or something. Besides, I don't even like him. Suddenly, I hear a voice calling me. I turn around to see Professor Snape coming towards me ."My office," He says, "now."

"You're in trouble already? Damn!" Pansy sneers.

"Piss off, Pansy." I scowl at her before going to Professor Snape's office. When I reach his office, I see him counting bezoar's in a box. Spotting me, he points to a chair and says, "Sit." I do so, my heart beating quicker than ever. "You called me, sir?"

"Yes. I assume you know why?"

"Er-" I think for a second.

"Too slow, Malfoy? Well, I'm here to tell you that I will be assisting you in your...job."

My heart drops, remembering my conversation with my mom. She told me that I was kill Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard in the world. I try to keep the whimper out of my voice. "Is that so? Did anyone tell you anything about it?"

"Yes, in fact, your mom and I made the unforgivable curse on it."

My eyes widen, realizing that I have to kill him, or I would basically be killed along with Snape. I gulp, before saying, "Okay, sir, I'll do it. I'll do it by the end of the year."

Professor Snape's mouth curl's into a smile. "Great. Now, you can go."

I practically run from Professor Snape's office, and almost bump into Harry. "Get out of my way, Potter. I thought you learned your lesson about not snitching in on conversations."

"No, I came to ask you something."

"Well, then, speak up, will you?"

"Why did you apologize? I thought you hated me," Harry asks. My stomach drops, knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"I- I don't know, to be honest. Now get out of my way," I say, trying to get away from him as quickly as I can.

"Draco, wait!"

I turn, glaring at him. "What is it? You're attracted to me or something?"

"No, I just- I'm sorry that I spied on you."

I snort. "Sure, I forgive you." And on that note, I walk away without listening to whatever Harry says after.

I walk down the hall, sneering at a couple of fifth years pointing at me, when I see Hermione running up to me. "What is it, mudblood?"

"Don't call me that. I'm looking for Harry, have you seen him?"

"The little weasel? He's near Professor Snape's office, the little cheat. He was spying on me, oyu know that?"

"I do, as a matter of fact. Do you know why he's trailing you, anyway?" Hermione asks.

"No idea. I think he's trying to catch me in the act or something," I say, pulling down my left sleeve further, "I don't have much to hide, anyways."

"Er- this might sound weird, Draco, but...maybe Harry's trying to make it up to you?"

I think for a moment, confused. Harry Potter, making it up to me? I don't even like him, what's he playing at?

"Look, whatever the reason is, I don't care. Now get out of my way."

Hermione looks annoyed, but she still brushes past me. Heh, I think, what is she playing at? He doesn't even like me. And I don't even like h-

I stop. Realizing something. I think I know why I've been so bad to Harry all this time.

Am I jealous of Harry?

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